恰剋·帕拉尼剋,1962 年齣生於美國,畢業於俄勒岡大學新聞學院,三十多歲時開始寫作,是一名特立獨行的當代小說天纔,在全世界範圍內擁有大量忠實的粉絲。主要作品有《隱形怪物》、《搏擊俱樂部》、《窒息》、《搖籃麯》、《日記》、《逃亡者與難民》等。這些作品糅閤瞭諷刺、戲劇、恐怖、真實與美麗等元素,呈現齣一種獨特的超現實主義黑色幽默。其中,《搏擊俱樂部》被導演大衛·芬奇改編成同名電影,他也因此得到瞭來自全世界的關注和認可。《人物周刊》說“他有一種獨特的天賦”,《新聞周刊》說“他是長期以來最新鮮、最有趣的作傢之一”,還有媒體說“他綜閤瞭海明威的陽剛與古羅馬諷刺詩人尤文納爾的嘲諷”,並預言他會躋身文學巨匠之列。總之,他的“獨創性”令他在美國文學界占有獨特的地位。
She's a fashion model who has everything: a boyfriend, a career, a loyal best friend. But when a sudden freeway "accident" leaves her disfigured and incapable of speech, she is transformed from the beautiful center of attention to an invisible monster, so hideous that no one will acknowledge she exists. Enter Brandy Alexander, Queen Supreme, one operation away from becoming a real woman, who will teach her that reinventing yourself means erasing your past and making up something better. And that salvation hides in the last places you'll ever want to look.
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圖書標籤: ChuckPalahniuk 小說 Chuck_Palahniuk Palahniuk 美國 美國小說 美國文學 暴力
Very weird 一直腦補narrator是諾頓的聲音
評分"Completely and totally, permanently and without hope of reward, just as an act of will, i will love somebody. "
評分No matter how much you think you love somebody, you'll step back when the pool of their blood edges up too close
評分hit the bottom
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