Charles R. Cross (1975—)
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Although the tragic circumstances of Kurt Cobains suicide are well known, the facts of his lifeand the influence of his artistryremain largely unexamined. Now veteran music journalist Charles R. Cross fuses his intimate knowledge of the Seattle music scene with his deep compassion for his subject in this extraordinary story of artistic brilliance and the pain that extinguished it. Based on more than 400 interviews; four years of research; exclusive access to Cobains unpublished diaries; and a wealth of documentation, Heavier Than Heaven traces Cobains life from his early days in a double-wide trailer outside of Aberdeen, Washington, to his rise to fame, success, and the adulation of a generation. Cross reveals the familial turmoil that fueled Cobains creativity, the generational history that forged his character, and the unusual love story that shaped his relationship with wife Courtney Love. Drawing from medical and police reports, and Cobains own private writings, Cross also reveals the truth about Cobains health struggles and his tragic final days. More than the history of a rock and roll star, Heavier Than Heaven is a portrait of creative genius and the will to turn pain into art.
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第一次看Cobain的傳記是郝舫的《燦爛涅磐》,現在看來那本書加入瞭太多作者的情結,把Cobain太過神話瞭。而且作為傳記,事實太少,論斷太多。 但是這些都是看瞭這本纔有的感慨,郝舫的文字有一種煽動力,我看瞭總是很激動,憤世嫉俗得不得瞭。沒顧上挑毛病。 在heavier than he...
評分 評分近些年,越來越多的音樂類/音樂人物傳記類書籍在內地有瞭簡體中文版譯本,真是令人欣慰的好事。但可惜的是,大多數這類書籍的中譯本都存在著翻譯錯誤多、校對流於形式的問題,令人特彆痛心。當得知入選《Blender》雜誌“史上最偉大40本搖滾說書籍”的Kurt Cobain傳記《Heavier ...
評分1994年4月5日,西雅圖上空的一記槍響,結束瞭一個27歲金發男人的生命,也把一個搖滾時代推嚮盛極而衰的頂峰。 隨後的幾十年裏,這個男人的臉被印在瞭大大小小的T恤上、手機殼上、雜誌上、周邊上。每年四月,從美國東西海岸到中國聚集著搖滾青年的角落,都有人緬懷他、紀念他。 ...
評分:"請繼續前行,Courtney,為瞭Frances,為瞭她沒有我而將變的更快樂些的生活.我愛你,我愛你.那是最後的幾句話.寫的比所有的字都要大,填滿瞭所有的空.他將信紙放在一罐罐裝土壤的上麵用筆釘住中間,看起來好象是一個樹樁將紙高高抓在瞭土地的上麵. 他從軟尼龍袋中拿齣獵槍,仔細的疊...
圖書標籤: 傳記 KurtCobain 搖滾 kurt 音樂 Nirvana cobain 親愛的Kurt
love you.
評分生如流星,死若涅磐,It's better to burn out than to fade away
評分雖然我不DJ他 但這本書我有感覺瞭。。
評分生如流星,死若涅磐,It's better to burn out than to fade away
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