理查德·鄧肯(Richard Duncan)
In this updated, second edition of the highly acclaimed international best seller, The Dollar Crisis: Causes, Consequences, Cures, Richard Duncan describes the flaws in the international monetary system that have destabilized the global economy and that may soon culminate in a deflation-induced worldwide economic slump. The Dollar Crisis is divided into five parts: Part One describes how the US trade deficits, which now exceed US$1 million a minute, have destabilized the global economy by creating a worldwide credit bubble. Part Two explains why these giant deficits cannot persist and why a US recession and a collapse in the value of the Dollar are unavoidable. Part Three analyzes the extraordinarily harmful impact that the US recession and the collapse of the Dollar will have on the rest of the world. Part Four offers original recommendations that, if implemented, would help mitigate the damage of the coming worldwide downturn and put in place the foundations for balanced and sustainable economic growth in the decades ahead. Part Five, which has been newly added to the second edition, describes the extraordinary evolution of this crisis since the first edition was completed in September 2002. It also considers how the Dollar Crisis is likely to unfold over the years immediately ahead, the likely policy response to the crisis, and why that response cannot succeed. The Dollar Standard is inherently flawed and increasingly unstable. Its collapse will be the most important economic event of the 21st Century.
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看到這條新聞後的第一印象就是曾經存在一些經濟學傢有先見之明,已經透過瞭重重迷霧看到瞭今天的局麵。道理很簡單,為什麼還有那麼多的人就是看不透呢。 從長期來看,美元是否崩潰,還要看美聯儲會不會繼續印鈔票。是否齣現很大通脹、美元大貶值,還取決於美聯儲會不會適可而止...
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評分拿到書第一下是去看齣版日期,然後敬佩作者的洞察力。 那些07年就閱讀本書的人,是否有幸運者在股市的高點逃離? 美元今天還沒有崩潰?它會在某一天崩潰嗎?對我們有什麼影響? 日本蕭條,亞洲金融危機?成因都是相似的,中國似乎也在相同的老路上,那麼蕭條會降臨到我們頭上嗎...
圖書標籤: 經濟學 金融 美元本位 經濟 投資 finance economics Finance
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