The Singing Sands 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
合上《歌唱的沙》,顶着黑眼圈但总算心满意足。 这是约瑟芬·铁伊推理小说的最后一本。我在豆瓣登记我读过了它并打了五星。 试图写评已然十分不明智,因为那个叫唐诺的聒噪男人已经在八本书的每一本开头都写了长长的序,所题内容覆盖铁伊小说的方方面面。每一次我总结出一个特...
评分不知道是否每种译本的后面加上这样一句话“如果你仅仅知道阿加莎·克里斯蒂,那说明你只是侦破推理小说的初入门者,直到开始阅读约瑟芬·铁衣,你才有可能推开智力与人性的另一道门。”我觉得这不是高数不是英语,何来入门和进阶呢? 说回书本身,书的情节很慢,需要静...
评分约瑟芬铁伊,与阿加莎齐名、位列“推理三女杰”之一的推理小说家。 总的来说,《歌唱的沙》在前半段一直在铺垫,而在全书60%的位置上拨云见日般终于抖出了包袱、顿时有种毛骨悚然的感觉,惊叹于作者千呼万唤始出来的效果,又觉得前期平淡剧情的守候与等候没有白费,但话说回来...
评分在豆瓣加推理小说的评论,发现别的作品少有人动笔,一到铁伊就谁都会来图两笔。这就带给我两个启示。 第一,什么作品有价值,大概是那些读完了之后你多少有些话想说的作品,而约瑟芬.铁伊的作品就是这样的作品。 第二,喜欢铁伊的作品的读者,自然就会很喜欢,不喜欢的自然一定...
评分图书标签: 英文原版 推理 小说 英文 英国文学 英国 文:英/美/加/澳 文艺
On sick leave from Scotland Yard, Inspector Alan Grant is planning a quiet holiday with an old school chum to recover from overwork and mental fatigue. Traveling on the night train to Scotland, however, Grant stumbles upon a dead man and a cryptic poem about "the stones that walk" and "the singing sand", which send him off on a fascinating search into the verse's meaning and the identity of the deceased. Despite his doctor's orders, Grant needs just this sort of casual inquiry to quiet his jangling nerves. But what begins as a leisurely pastime eventually turns into a full-blown investigation that leads Grant to discover not only the key to the poem but the truth about a most diabolical murder.
Josephine TEY
评分acid and nagging ........
评分Josephine TEY
评分Writing with such integrity and outrage on so trivial a stranger. I don't know what it is? Pure passion or obsession with the truth. Either one can make an excellent writer.
The Singing Sands 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书