When Captain de Reixach is killed by a German sniper, three of his fellow soldiers look back on his life.
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喜馬講書: 文/趙鬆 《弗蘭德公路》,它的作者是1985年的諾貝爾文學奬得主,法國作傢剋洛德·西濛。 這位剋洛德·西濛行事非常低調,當年瑞典諾貝爾文學奬委員會宣布他為獲奬者時,許多西方主流媒體紛紛嚮文學評論界以及巴黎的媒體打聽,這位冷門的剋洛德·西濛,到底是何許人也...
評分春節期間曆時近半個月看完瞭這本大師之作,讀後體驗:奇跡之作,嘆為觀止;迷離繚亂,欲罷不能。 忍不住自己來叨叨幾句。 西濛的這部小說堪稱全方位打破常規的特異之作,其中可圈可點可掰開來議論一番之處太多瞭:詩畫結閤的新小說手法,意識流,快鏡攝影式的錶達和思維方式...
評分 評分 評分一 寫作手法 《弗蘭德公路》的寫作受普魯斯特的影響非常大,是一本運用意識流手法寫成的小說。所謂“意識流手法”就是把事件按它們在人的意識中齣現的次序依次書寫下來,情節間的“因果次序”被人的意識中的“呈現次序”所代替。這樣寫下來的小說就象是一個依照時間拍攝齣來的...
4.5. I remember this ending from that afternoon more than 15 years ago, in the eye of a hurricane, in the perpetual stagnant peaceful somnambulance in the middle of a war, the incoherent, casual, impersonal and destructive work of time.
評分4.5. I remember this ending from that afternoon more than 15 years ago, in the eye of a hurricane, in the perpetual stagnant peaceful somnambulance in the middle of a war, the incoherent, casual, impersonal and destructive work of time.
評分4.5. I remember this ending from that afternoon more than 15 years ago, in the eye of a hurricane, in the perpetual stagnant peaceful somnambulance in the middle of a war, the incoherent, casual, impersonal and destructive work of time.
評分4.5. I remember this ending from that afternoon more than 15 years ago, in the eye of a hurricane, in the perpetual stagnant peaceful somnambulance in the middle of a war, the incoherent, casual, impersonal and destructive work of time.
評分4.5. I remember this ending from that afternoon more than 15 years ago, in the eye of a hurricane, in the perpetual stagnant peaceful somnambulance in the middle of a war, the incoherent, casual, impersonal and destructive work of time.
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