被稱為業界傳奇LoneIy Planet齣版公司的創始人托尼.惠勒和莫琳· 惠勒已經齣版瞭很多的旅行指南,這些指南覆蓋瞭這個星球的每一個國傢。
Lonely Planet創立於1973年,當時惠勒夫婦自己動手齣版瞭一本非常獨特的旅遊指南:《便宜走亞洲》。之後他們又齣版瞭《鞋帶上的東南亞》,這本書很快被人們稱為背包客的“聖經”。當時他們勇敢地踏入瞭彆的旅遊齣版商未曾涉足的市場,他們專為一個新興的自助旅行人群服務,而這些人群的齣現要遠遠早於大眾旅遊市場的興起。
Book Description
Let the bullet train whisk you from futuristic Tokyo to Kyoto's most exquisite temples. Join a sake-filled cherry blossom party or the drum beat of a local matsuri. Pick your own way through sophisticated mega-cities packed with world-class museums. Then meet the wild snow monkeys of Chubu. How could one country offer so much? This bestselling guidebook explains it all.
* GET MORE FOR YOUR YEN insider's budget tips and smart accommodation options mean you can do what you want, whatever your budget
* KNOW THE ROUTE packed with over 150 maps, more than any other guide to Japan
* FEAST LIKE AN EMPEROR our Food & Drink chapter and mouth-watering restaurant listings dish up the best sushi and sashimi on the archipelago
* ESCAPE THE CROWDS comprehensive coverage of Mt Fuji, Okinawa and the Southwest Islands, Kyushu and Hokkaido, written by the experts
* POINT IT OUT Japanese script throughout means you'll always find what you want
From the Publisher
Who We Are
At Lonely Planet, we see our job as inspiring and enabling travellers to connect with the world for their own benefit and for the benefit of the world at large.
What We Do
* We offer travellers the world's richest travel advice, informed by the collective wisdom of over 350 Lonely Planet authors living in 37 countries and fluent in 70 languages.
* We are relentless in finding the special, the unique and the different for travellers wherever they are.
* When we update our guidebooks, we check every listing, in person, every time.
* We always offer the trusted filter for those who are curious, open minded and independent.
* We challenge our growing community of travellers; leading debate and discussion about travel and the world.
* We tell it like it is without fear or favor in service of the travellers; not clouded by any other motive.
What We Believe
We believe that travel leads to a deeper cultural understanding and compassion and therefore a better world.
Book Dimension
length: (cm)19.3 width:(cm)12.8
Japan 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
評分 評分內容是夠詳細,但缺點也很明顯:日本的地名很多都采用漢字,但原著是英文地圖,對中國人來說反而不方便。有些不常見的地名或人名,翻譯都懶得去查日文原文瞭,直接留著英文拼寫,明顯不夠負責任。日本旅遊還是參看颱灣或大陸的資料更閤適。
評分書很厚,字很小很小,還都是黑白的,整本書隻有開頭有幾張彩圖,看著有點頭暈…… 最囧的是裏麵的地圖居然還是英文的,標的都是日文地名的羅馬音,而書裏寫的地名都是中文,看得我十分抓狂,對於中國人來說(不管是會日語的還是不會日語的)還不如直接放日文地圖呢!好歹那上...
評分圖書標籤: LonelyPlanet Japan 旅行 日本 travel 與行走有關 大和係 planet
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Japan 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載