大卫•埃贝尔舍夫(David Ebershoff ),《纽约时报》畅销书作家,两度获《OUT》杂志名列年度百大影响力人物。著有多部作品,短篇小说集《玫瑰之城》荣获《洛杉矶时报》“年度最佳图书”,长篇小说《第十九个妻子》出版后长期雄踞《纽约时报》畅销榜。《丹麦女孩》曾获浪达同志文学奖、入围美国图书馆协会奖等多重奖项肯定,并在全球翻译成近20种语言出版。小说改编同名电影《丹麦女孩》荣获第88届奥斯卡最佳男主角提名、奥斯卡最佳女配角奖。
The Danish Girl 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
(一) 拿到书的时候,并不知道这是一本关于“变性人”的书。拆掉外面的护封,看着淡粉色的封面,中间是一个内嵌的符号:男女符号的合体。很有意思。 《丹麦女孩》这本书是以丹麦画家莉莉·易北和她妻子格尔达的故事为蓝本,作者抓住了真实发生在莉莉身上的事件和经历,加入自...
评分 评分 评分今年夏天,《名利场》封面刊登了凯特琳·詹纳①的照片,我突然想起另一个变性人。她是在大概一百多年前,以一幅肖像的方式,首次将自己的女儿身展示给世人的。她就是莉莉·易北。1930年,莉莉从她和妻子格蕾塔在巴黎共用的画室出发,前往德国,在德累斯顿市立妇科诊所进行了一...
Inspired by the true story of Danish painter Einar Wegener and his California-born wife, this tender portrait of a marriage asks: What do you do when someone you love wants to change? It starts with a question, a simple favor asked of a husband by his wife on an afternoon chilled by the Baltic wind while both are painting in their studio. Her portrait model has canceled, and would he mind slipping into a pair of women's shoes and stockings for a few moments so she can finish the painting on time. Of course, he answers. Anything at all. With that, one of the most passionate and unusual love stories of the twentieth century begins.
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评分He is the Danish girl and I love Claude... God
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The Danish Girl 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书