保罗·高更(Paul Gauguin,1848—1903)
Noa Noa 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
读画家的文字,往往能加深对颜色、线条的感知,无论中外,梵高、黄永玉等画家的文字都呈现有画作风范。有人文字冷静,文字的线条镂刻一般深;有人文字就是水彩画,明丽淡白;有人的就是踢翻了颜料桶,热闹为是。 个人喜静,愿意看细细描摹,无论工笔、写意。高更...
评分高更因梵高而出名,但因他独有的 塔西 提而杰出。这本《生命的热情何在》非常易读,随书附赠了高更手写体的小册子,书中附有大量精美的高更绘画(以原版复制,非常棒),以及创作时间,收藏地等信息,而这本手记,也帮助我们了解高更创作这些风格迥异画作的背后情思。 毛姆在《...
评分你生而有翼,为何竟愿一生匍匐前进,形如虫蚁? ----贾拉尔•阿德丁•鲁米 我相信这世上,有人生来便带着伟大的灵魂和高贵的宿命。譬如500多年前的王阳明,被谪贬贵州龙场,在这里他日夜反省,感应天地万物的根本,传奇般地顿悟,创立 “心学”。譬如100年前的弘一法师,东...
评分读画家的文字,往往能加深对颜色、线条的感知,无论中外,梵高、黄永玉等画家的文字都呈现有画作风范。有人文字冷静,文字的线条镂刻一般深;有人文字就是水彩画,明丽淡白;有人的就是踢翻了颜料桶,热闹为是。 个人喜静,愿意看细细描摹,无论工笔、写意。高更...
图书标签: 高更 文学 艺术史 Tahiti Gauguin 传记 Art 畫冊
Paul Gauguin fled what he called "filthy Europe" in 1891 to what he hoped would be an unspoiled paradise, Tahiti. He painted 66 magnificent can vases during the first two years he spent there and kept notes from which he later wrote Noa Noa — a journal recording his thoughts and impressions of that time.
Noa Noa — the most widely known of Gauguin's writings — is reproduced here from a rare early edition (1919), in a lucid translation capturing the artist's unpretentious style. Page after page reveals Gauguin's keen observations of Tahiti and its people, and his passionate struggle to achieve the inner harmony he expressed so profoundly on canvas. Gauguin's prose is as seductive as his paintings, filled with descriptions of warm seas, hidden lagoons, lush green forests, and beautiful Maori women.
The journal is captivating reading, offering a compelling autobiographical fragment of the soul of a genius and a rare glimpse of Oceanian culture. The brief periods of happiness Gauguin found among the Tahitians are eloquently expressed in his narrative. We understand the motives that drove him and gain a deeper appreciation of his art.
Today the manuscript provides unparalleled insight into Gauguin's thoughts as he strove to achieve spiritual peace, and into the wellsprings of a singular artistic style which changed the course of modern art. This wonderfully affordable edition — enhanced by 24 of Gauguin's South Seas drawings — makes a unique and passionate testament accessible to all art lover
评分高更的文字一直不是那种耐人寻味的 不过这本也算是有点诗意的日志(不过我怀疑任何人到那种环境怎么都会诗意一下) 我读的是在旧书店淘到的80年代旧书 太精美了 书里面还有高更的小画 真的很可爱精致 如今的书很少会这样设计 觉得和这本书也真心有缘
评分noa ,noa ,香气扑鼻,万籁无声。。。
评分noa ,noa ,香气扑鼻,万籁无声。。。
评分高更的文字一直不是那种耐人寻味的 不过这本也算是有点诗意的日志(不过我怀疑任何人到那种环境怎么都会诗意一下) 我读的是在旧书店淘到的80年代旧书 太精美了 书里面还有高更的小画 真的很可爱精致 如今的书很少会这样设计 觉得和这本书也真心有缘
Noa Noa 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书