Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Crime and Punishment (1866) is the story of a murder committed on principle, of a killer who wishes by his action to set himself outside and above society. A novel of great physical and psychological tension, pervaded by Dostoevsky's sinister evocation of St Petersburg, it also has moments of wild humour. Dostoevsky's own harrowing experiences mark the novel. He had himself undergone interrogation and trial, and was condemned to death, a sentence commuted at the last moment to penal servitude. In prison he was particularly impressed by one hardened murderer who seemed to have attained a spiritual equilibrium beyond good and evil: yet witnessing the misery of other convicts also engendered in Dostoevsky a belief in the Christian idea of salvation through suffering.
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評分在陀思妥耶夫斯基的巨著《罪與罰》中,輟學的法律係大學生拉斯科爾尼科夫,為瞭驗證人是否有殺害其他人的權力,殺死瞭一個當鋪老太婆和她妹妹。在極為復雜的內心煎熬中,他最終在妓女索菲婭的影響下,認識到瞭自己的罪孽,因此重獲新生。 看完以後,我産生瞭一個奇怪的想法:假...
評分“當他沒有激情的時候,他是沒有智慧的。”評論司湯達的這句評價同樣能總括陀思妥耶夫斯基的最大顯性特徵,讀他的作品,讀者的很難不被其四溢的激情所感染。重溫《罪與罰》仍能感受到身心滌蕩、思緒狂潮的震撼。 煌煌50萬字,故事情節順著輟學大學生拉斯柯爾尼科夫殺死放高利貸...
評分以不緊不慢的閱讀方式,很容易就在《罪與罰》的字裏行間捕捉到一種除壓抑以外的情緒——一種血肉模糊的掙紮。如果不能緩慢地讀下去,你很容易忽略這種陀思妥耶夫斯基式的深刻。所以從後半部分開始,我覺得這本書好看,盡管依然沉重的令人喘不過氣來。 不知道陀思妥耶夫斯基究...
圖書標籤: 澳洲
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