At Harvard, tenure decisions are a matter of life -- or death. For Dennis Gossen, the economics department whiz kid currently being considered for tenure, it's definitely death. When he's turned down by the high-and-mighty Promotion and Tenure Committee, Gossen commits suicide. A Question of Cost Accounting... Or does he? It's hard to imagine why a young man with a brilliant scholarly future -- at Harvard or not -- would come up with an equation in which the opportunity cost of killing himself (a high price, considering his potential earnings) would be outweighed by the emotional cost of failing to receive tenure. ... Or Utility? Then two members of the P and T Committee are murdered, and it becomes clear to Professor Henry Spearman of the Economics Department that the killer must be on the committee. But which of his illustrious colleagues would have significantly increased his -- or her -- utility (i.e., happiness) by murdering a faculty member or two? Or three?
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封麵上寫:國外商學院推薦課外閱讀教材。 有點言過其實,情節很普通,無非是套用一個偵探類殺人破案的劇情。裏麵穿插教授們對經濟學最基本的幾個概念的例證。在圖書館一個小時看完這本書,也就是看其中的這些例證,從最基本供給需求均衡,價格決定,到邊際效用遞減,消...
評分Henry Spielmann通過經濟學需求理論洞悉案情並找到殺人凶手,雖說這樣的結局有些牽強,但也卻釋放齣理性的光芒。 此書引人入勝之處不在其劇情,而在於凸顯經濟學在生活中的實用性。經濟學教授通過博弈論解釋商場的打摺現象,通過邊際理論解釋為什麼人們都愛吃自助餐,通過供求...
評分這本書說實話看的很上癮 我知道很多人對於書的情節很失望,不過,我想,總的來說這應該是一本經濟學科普類的學術著作,而不是來娛樂的。 不過很佩服作者的思維,將一個大案子插入經濟學的探討中,連弗裏德曼都對本書贊不絕口。 當然,我覺得書中主要想教給讀者的太抽象瞭,...
評分偵探小說和經濟學普及讀物都是我喜歡閱讀的類型,這本小說作為兩者的結閤,自然是不得不看瞭。看過以後也來發錶一下自己的觀點。 事實上作為一部偵探小說實在是很一般,沒有推理型的謎題設置,也沒有驚險型的緊張刺激,甚至作者為瞭誘導讀者而放的煙霧彈看上去也十分蹩...
評分Henry Spielmann通過經濟學需求理論洞悉案情並找到殺人凶手,雖說這樣的結局有些牽強,但也卻釋放齣理性的光芒。 此書引人入勝之處不在其劇情,而在於凸顯經濟學在生活中的實用性。經濟學教授通過博弈論解釋商場的打摺現象,通過邊際理論解釋為什麼人們都愛吃自助餐,通過供求...
圖書標籤: Fiction Economics 經濟 Econ
評分無聊到暴 = =
評分Mr. Elzinga啊。。。
評分Mr. Elzinga啊。。。
評分Mr. Elzinga啊。。。
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