Spanning three generations, this novel of family and myth is told through a series of flashbacks that depict events of staggering horror set against a landscape of gemlike beauty as the Chinese battle both the Japanese invaders and each other in the turbulent 1930s. As the novel opens, a group of villagers, led by Commander Yu, the narrator's grandfather, prepare to attack the advancing Japanese. Yu sends his 14-year-old son back home to get food for his men; but as Yu's wife returns through the sorghum fields with the food, the Japanese start firing and she is killed. Her death becomes the thread that links the past to the present and the narrator moves back and forth recording the war's progress, the fighting between the Chinese warlords and his family's history.
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那個地方是天堂嗎? 莫言說,高密東北鄉無疑是地球上最美麗最醜陋、最超脫最世俗、最聖潔最齷齪,最英雄好漢最王八蛋、最能喝酒最能愛的地方。世界上真的會有這樣一塊地方嗎?好想去看看那塊土地,摸摸先輩們留下的腳印,設身處地的聆聽他們的命運。那是一塊怎樣的土地,竟讓他...
評分 評分莫言的句子也許有些血腥,有些粗魯,但讓人看得痛快,淋灕盡緻。 所有的段落都那麼有節奏,輕重錯落,快慢夾雜。情節緊張時每個字都像機關槍班落下的槍子兒,突突有力,砸中你的心。硬邦邦的每一個字,帶著強烈的要衝破胸膛的感情,帶著仇恨與憤怒,帶著強烈的愛或...
評分一 新的視角 縱觀49年到《紅高粱》以前的寫實文學,從主流的矛盾式現實主義到“紅色經典”的“社會主義現實主義”,作傢們大多以文人的革命式熱情創作,把眼光集中在主流社會問題上。而以莫言為代錶的新時期作傢則開創瞭一種新的寫實方式,有意識地拒絕政治權力觀念對曆史的...
評分在紅高粱中,處處可見高粱酒的身影。而我認為高粱酒在紅高粱這篇小說中最重要,象徵意義最多的意象。 首先,我認為紅高粱象徵著高密東北鄉人的血性。 文本中,高粱酒裏有著羅漢大爺的血,羅漢大爺在“被日本捉去做勞力”這樣一個誘因下,內在的血性被激發...
dont like it. the language. the description. the whole picture.
評分dont like it. the language. the description. the whole picture.
評分dont like it. the language. the description. the whole picture.
評分dont like it. the language. the description. the whole picture.
評分dont like it. the language. the description. the whole picture.
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