第一次世界大戰期間,阿加莎·剋裏斯蒂成瞭一名誌願者。戰爭結束後,她創作瞭自己的第一部偵探小說《斯泰爾斯莊園奇案》。幾經周摺,作品於一九二○正式齣版,由此開啓瞭剋裏斯蒂輝煌的創作生涯。一九二六年,《羅傑疑案》由哈珀柯林斯齣版公司齣版。這部作品一舉奠定瞭阿加莎·剋裏斯蒂在偵探文學領域不可撼動的地位。之後,她又陸續齣版瞭《東方快車謀殺案》、《ABC 謀殺案》、《尼羅河上的慘案》、《無人生還》、《陽光下的罪惡》等膾炙人口的作品。時至今日,這些作品依然是世界偵探文學寶庫裏最寶貴的財富。根據她的小說改編而成的舞颱劇《捕鼠器》,已經成為世界上公演場次最多的劇目;而在影視改編方麵,《東方快車謀殺案》為英格麗·褒曼斬獲奧斯卡大奬,《尼羅河上的慘案》更是成為瞭幾代人心目中的經典。
Book Description
Reclusive tycoon Sir Oswald Coote and his melancholy wife, Lady Coote, have hit upon the ideal plan to spice up their quiet lives. They'll host a lavish weekend party at Chimneys. their isolated estate, and invite only "bright young things." But the festive mood is clouded by doom. A practical joke involving seven clocks and a sleeping guest has ended in accidental death--and cause for alarm. For the guests may not be all that they appear. And as whispers of a strange club called Seven Dials echo through the halls of Chimneys, all hands will be pointing to murder...
From AudioFile
This production suffers in two aspects: The story is weak, and the narration is routine, even listless. Despite a melodious voice and attractive British accent, Jenny Funnell has to struggle with sketchy, unmemorable characters and a heroine with a cutesy nickname, "Bundle," aka Lady Eileen Brent. (Remember Christie's Tuppence? Both female sleuths are from her earliest works.) When researching the history of this book, I encountered rave reviews, puzzling, until I noticed that they involved the unabridged original. Reviews of abridgments have not been so generous--like this one. The story: Bundle encounters a murder and a secret society. Enough said. D.R.W.
Book Dimension
length: (cm)17.1 width:(cm)10.8
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偵探不像偵探,冒險不像冒險,沒有人物刻畫,沒有場景描寫,加上各種外國人的名字,容易讓我懵逼,看瞭前十章,看不下去瞭,就翻到最後兩章看瞭,就倒數第二章完整的解釋介紹瞭整本書的內容,中間無休止的人物對話,看的真是令人發睏。 是我看太多東野圭吾的偵探小說瞭嗎,更喜...
評分 評分我覺得這本書寫得很好。就像科幻小說分硬科幻和軟科幻一樣,偵探小說也可以有不同的側重點。就拿這本書來說,首先我覺得在情節上還是比較緊湊的,綫索也提供瞭不少;其次,拋開情節、綫索不說,在語言上此書也寫得比較風趣、浪漫,常常讓人發齣微笑,比如像“疾如風”在宴...
圖書標籤: 阿加莎·剋裏斯蒂 Agatha_Christie AgathaChristie 英文版 推理小說 推理 懸疑 原版
it seems that a conspirator is most likely a betrayer which is often neglected in our thinking patterns.in fact I was a little bit confused by its large titles such as countess, marquis and Superintendent...
評分Bundle Bill & Battle.
評分it seems that a conspirator is most likely a betrayer which is often neglected in our thinking patterns.in fact I was a little bit confused by its large titles such as countess, marquis and Superintendent...
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