《華盛頓郵報》稱他為“可以與亞曆山大•大仲馬相媲美的作傢”,《星期日郵報》則評價他為“我們這個時代最偉大的敘事者和小說傢” 。
6 days, 13 hours and 37 minutes to go ...At the end of The Prodigal Daughter, Florentyna Kane is elected President - the first woman President of the United States. At 7.30 one evening the FBI learn of a plot to kill her - the 1572nd such threat of the year. At 8.30 five people know all the details. By 9.30 four of them are dead. FBI agent Mark Andrews alone knows when. He also knows that a senator is involved. He has six days to learn where - and how. Six days to prevent certain death of the President. 'The only difference between this book and "The Day of the Jackal", is Archer is a better writer' - "Chicago Tribune". 'Here is terror, outrageous and top-notch' - "Vogue."
Shall We Tell the President 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
最初是下班後去書店蹭書看,一下子就被這本書的內容簡介吸引瞭: 《要不要報告總統?》是國際超級暢銷書“凱恩與阿貝爾”的第三部,以謀殺和政治為背景,描述瞭一個波瀾壯闊、跌宕起伏的總統謀殺案。 某晚7點30分,聯邦調查局獲悉一起謀殺弗洛倫蒂娜•凱恩總統的陰謀——這是...
A fabulous book, you can't stop turning the pages and worth of his reputation as a story-teller. Looking forward to his next book!
評分A fabulous book, you can't stop turning the pages and worth of his reputation as a story-teller. Looking forward to his next book!
評分A fabulous book, you can't stop turning the pages and worth of his reputation as a story-teller. Looking forward to his next book!
評分A fabulous book, you can't stop turning the pages and worth of his reputation as a story-teller. Looking forward to his next book!
評分A fabulous book, you can't stop turning the pages and worth of his reputation as a story-teller. Looking forward to his next book!
Shall We Tell the President 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載