The Art of War 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
最近看到历史频道解读孙子兵法的节目中讲,较之传统上攻城掠地,殊死杀伐以求威名荣耀,类似象棋的战争理念,孙子兵法更像在下围棋:一盘棋,表面看去风起云涌,实际上却可以不杀一子,以最小的消耗寻求最大的利益。All in all, Sun Tzu cared nothing but victory 于是赶紧上...
评分看过《百战经典》后。决定看看《孙子兵法》,很佩服这些先祖们,通过自己的智慧和经验,总结了这些将来战场上,常常出现的对战方法,以及对战心理。我最欣赏其中的‘谋攻篇’。 21世纪了么,人与人之间,胜负的关键,便是生活阅历的累积,以及孙子兵法中对经验教训的总结
评分近段时间略有闲暇,认真研读了一次此书,以下是读书笔记,多为个人的一些零散思考,年青阅浅,如有不当,敬请辩驳。 一、“兵者,诡道也。” 诡道,感觉好神秘莫测,读到这个词,让我第一想到的就是“阴谋诡计”,不禁一颤。 俗话说:“兵不厌诈”,李零先生编的《孙子兵法...
评分一个月前,去井冈山的路上,旅行大巴摇摇晃晃地蜿蜒前行,我开始静静地阅读这本书。之前买过一本小册子,但不知为什么,一直没来得及读。 同行的老郭告诉我,他可以一字不差地背下《孙子兵法》来,让我好生佩服了一番;而另外几位同学,看到这本书,都觉得做得很有文化...
图书标签: 孙子兵法
Sun-Tzu is a landmark translation of the Chinese classic that is without a doubt one of the most important books of all time. Popularly known as The Art of War, Sun-Tzu is one of the leading books on strategic thinking ever written. While other books on strategy, wisdom, and philosophy come and go, both leaders and gentle contemplators alike have embraced the writings of Sun-tzu. Sun-Tzu is not simply another of many translations already available, but an entirely new text, based on manuscripts recently discovered in Linyi, China, that predates all previous texts by as much as one thousand years. In translating the text, researcher and interpreter J. H. Huang traced the roots of the language to before 221 B.C. to get to the original intent; Besides offering a wonderfully clear translation, Huang adds an introduction to the history behind Sun-Tzu and his own comments on the meaning of the text. In addition, Sun-Tzu includes six appendices, five of which were uncovered at Linyi and are not found in other editions.The writings of Sun-tzu have stood the test of time, and J. H. Huang's Sun-Tzu is the edition for the next millennium and beyond.
The Art of War 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书