維剋多·雨果(Victor Hugo,1802-1885),19世紀法國浪漫主義文學的代錶人物。貫穿他一生活動和創作的主導思想是人道主義、反對暴力、以愛製“惡”。其文學創作有詩歌、小說、戲劇、政論、散文隨筆以及文學評論,捲帙浩繁。代錶作有長篇小說《巴黎聖母院》、《海上勞工》、《悲 慘世界》及《九三年》等。
Victor Hugo
Les MisÉrables
Translated by Charles E. Wilbour
Abridged, edited and with an introduction by Paul Bénichou
Published simultaneously in nine languages in 1862, Les MiséRables is a vast tapestry set against the chaos of post-Napoleonic France. A cast of hundreds is woven into the epic story of the ex-convict Jean Valjean and his valiant struggle to redeem himself. A potent social document of the poverty, ignorance, and brutality of man, Les MiséRables is also a rousing adventure and a passionate parable of love. Here, Victor Hugo displays his skills as a dramatist and poet, and shows his deeply felt compassion for all mankind.
Pocket Books' Enriched Classics present the great works of world literature enhanced for the contemporary reader. This edition of Les MiséRables contains the original introduction by Hugo scholar and Harvard professor Paul Bénichou, as well as his accomplished abridgment.
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評分 評分在印度的十幾天,每晚都在賓館床上讀這本書。 白日眼睛所見到的骯髒、混亂、光明 到瞭晚上,竟都很奇異的與雨果筆下的悲慘世界融為一體。 在古老的建築與街道上穿行。 坐著古老的人力車,搭乘拉鐵閘門的電梯。 連鑰匙也是銅質的,像古董。 那裏的人們,更是以一種近乎史前的方...
評分在印度的十幾天,每晚都在賓館床上讀這本書。 白日眼睛所見到的骯髒、混亂、光明 到瞭晚上,竟都很奇異的與雨果筆下的悲慘世界融為一體。 在古老的建築與街道上穿行。 坐著古老的人力車,搭乘拉鐵閘門的電梯。 連鑰匙也是銅質的,像古董。 那裏的人們,更是以一種近乎史前的方...
評分圖書標籤: 外國文學 English
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