约翰·欧文(John Irving),被美国文坛泰斗冯内古特喻为“美国最重要的幽默作家”,是当代最知名的小说家之一,他作品中所呈现的高超的说故事技巧与优美的文学性,使人们常将他与狄更斯和J. D. 塞林格等重量级小说家相提并论。他的小说不仅赢得书评界的一致推崇,而且叫好又叫座,是西方最畅销的小说家之一。
The Hotel New Hampshire 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
“You've got to get obsessed and stay obsessed.” “Keep passing the open windows.” “You take every opportunity given you in this world, even if you have too many opportunities. One day, the opportunities stop, you know.” “Safer than we are.” I tol...
评分如果给一个爱情故事里加一头熊,一头真的熊,你觉得怎么样? 19岁的男孩和女孩高三毕业,夏季在一家豪华旅馆打零工,那是1939年。有一个维也纳来的犹太人,名叫弗洛伊德,带着他的熊在这家旅馆表演。 “父亲和母亲眼睁睁看着那头熊跳起舞来……母亲感到父亲握住她的手……” “...
"The first of my father's illusions was that bears could survive the life lived by human beings, and the second was that human beings could survive a life led in hotels."
So says John Berry, son of a hapless dreamer, brother to a cadre of eccentric siblings, and chronicler of the lives lived, the loves experienced, the deaths met, and the myriad strange and wonderful times encountered by the family Berry. Hoteliers, pet-bear owners, friends of Freud (the animal trainer and vaudevillian, that is), and playthings of mad fate, they "dream on" in a funny, sad, outrageous, and moving novel by the remarkable author of A Son of the Circus and A Prayer for Owen Meany.
"Like Garp, [THE HOTEL NEW HAMPSHIRE] is a startlingly original family saga that combines macabre humor with Dickensian sentiment and outrage at cruelty, dogmatism and injustice."
"Rejoice! John Irving has written another book according to your world....You must read this book."
--Los Angeles Times
"Spellbinding...Intensely human...A high-wire act of dazzling virtuosity."
The Hotel New Hampshire 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书