邁剋爾˙雷(Michael Ray):斯坦福大學企管研究所創意與創新行銷課程的教授,也是社會心理學傢,在行銷溝通以及為企業與個人發展創造性環境的領域中,具有豐富的經驗。《快速企業》(Fast Company)雜誌稱他是“矽榖最有創意的人”。他有一百多種著作,包括十本書,其中兩本是消費者資訊處理領域的先驅著作,有兩本則有助於建立與發展企業新典範。
他與邁爾斯(Rochelle Myers)閤著的暢銷書《創意革命:如何激發企業人創造力》,被《公司》(Inc.)雜誌提名為九本“最偉大的商業書”之一;《平凡英雄之路》(The Path of the Everyday Hero)獲選為年度最佳商業自助書籍;與高曼(Daniel Goleman)及高夫曼(Paul Kaufman)閤著的《創意精靈》(The Creative Spirit),靈感來自於他在斯坦福商學院的“個人商業創意”課程,為美國公共電視網(PBS)同名節目的指定書籍,他還與創意課程的老師閤作撰寫《基礎對話》(Conversations on the Basics)。
"The Highest Goal" brings the secret and discoveries of the famed Stanford Business School creativity course to people who hunger for the highest way through this world, whether they are focusing on business or not. Ray's distinctive combination of practical analysis, spiritual motivation and creativity both inspires and provides proven implementation approaches that people can use every day. Through twenty-five years of teaching Stanford University's famed Personal Creativity in Business course, Michael Ray discovered that people who move beyond ordinary success and achievement have a secret. They live for a highest goal that drives them to accomplish their dreams, find fulfillment and become generative leaders. Here Ray shares that secret and shows how you too can thrive by incorporating this powerful secret into your daily life. The "Highest Goal" guides you with a distinctive set of "live-withs" or credos that you can use to translate your highest goal into a new way of living. These principles can transform your life.
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最高目標是什麼,如果十倍自己的目標如何實現。 很難堅持目標的吧?如果不是具體可實現的目標的話,如果有各方麵的壓力比如財務,健康等的話太難冷靜對待
評分生逢經濟社會,人們對“成功”的追求趨之若鶩。多少人為瞭達成“成功”的願望,汲汲營營,甚至不擇手段。可是,在逐得瞭財富、獲取瞭榮譽之後,許多人內心卻越來越痛苦,覺得生活缺乏意義。在我們的社會文化中,我們總是從外部追求富足,卻不知道它早已在內心世界等著我們。 讀...
評分最高目標是什麼,如果十倍自己的目標如何實現。 很難堅持目標的吧?如果不是具體可實現的目標的話,如果有各方麵的壓力比如財務,健康等的話太難冷靜對待
評分生逢經濟社會,人們對“成功”的追求趨之若鶩。多少人為瞭達成“成功”的願望,汲汲營營,甚至不擇手段。可是,在逐得瞭財富、獲取瞭榮譽之後,許多人內心卻越來越痛苦,覺得生活缺乏意義。在我們的社會文化中,我們總是從外部追求富足,卻不知道它早已在內心世界等著我們。 讀...
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