史蒂芬·霍金(Stephen Hawking, 1942- ),現任劍橋大學盧卡斯數學教授。他廣被推崇為繼愛因斯坦後最傑齣的理論物理學傢。霍金的主要著作有《時間簡史》、《霍金講演錄——黑洞、嬰兒宇宙及其他》和《果殼中的宇宙》。
Stephen Hawking's worldwide bestseller, "A Brief History of Time", has been a landmark volume in scientific writing. Its author's engaging voice is one reason, and the compelling subjects he addresses is another: the nature of space and time, the role of God in creation, and the history and future of the universe. But it is also true that in the years since its publication, readers have repeatedly told Professor Hawking of their great difficulty in understanding some of the book's most important concepts. This is the origin of and the reason for "A Briefer History of Time": its author's wish to make its content accessible to readers - as well as to bring it up-to-date with the latest scientific observations and findings. Although this book is literally somewhat 'briefer', it actually expands on the great subjects of the original. Purely technical concepts, such as the mathematics of chaotic boundary conditions, are gone. Conversely, subjects of wide interest that were difficult to follow because they were interspersed throughout the book have now been given entire chapters of their own, including relativity, curved space, and quantum theory. This reorganization has allowed the authors to expand areas of special interest and recent progress, from the latest developments in string theory to exciting developments in the search for a complete, unified theory of all the forces of physics. Like prior editions of the book - but even more so - "A Briefer History of Time" will guide non scientists everywhere in the ongoing search for the tantalizing secrets at the heart of time and space. Thirty-eight full-color illustrations enhance the text and make "A Briefer History of Time" an exhilarating addition in its own right to the literature of science. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
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本體論哲學傢霍金與上帝的終極之戰 故事有一個冗長的開頭。 我們身處的世界是怎樣的?自人類文明開始,這類詰問就伴隨而生,人們睏惑於周邊紛紜復雜的事物和現象,想要知道,這一切都是怎樣構成的,又該如何解釋它,它的本質是什麼,規律又是什麼? 哲...
評分 評分全書涉及經典力學、電磁力學、相對論、量子力學、弦論等多個方麵,對宇宙時空做瞭概括精要的解釋,堪為現代物理的入門科普書籍。 在犧牲準確性及深度的前提下,全書通篇使用語句描述而隻齣現瞭一個方程式。遺憾的是,由於翻譯中文水平欠佳(也許他有自己的方式,不過乏味呆闆是...
評分前幾天和朋友聊天,我說現在這個時代就是沒有力量,沒有大哥,隻有妖孽。朋友說或許有大哥我們不知道,也許是吧,不過從科學上來講,這個大哥的存在還沒有被我觀測到,所以,既無法證實,也無法證僞。妖孽的存在倒是隨處可見。 經常性地被一種無邊無際的荒謬感擊中,反復擊中...
評分有比光更快的速度麼?有,那就是思速。 這是我編的名詞。大清早,一眼望穿窗外巨大的廣告牌,我的思想可以穿透到宇宙的邊緣,不,宇宙以最近的理論來說,是無邊緣且在膨脹中。那思維可以跟它一起膨脹。沒有人能證實你所想的是對是錯。那完美的想像,隻屬於一個人--你自...
圖書標籤: 科普 Science 時間簡史 StephenHawking Hawking 英文 高級科普 經典
音頻版 260分鍾左右 非常好
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