Charles Harrington Elster is a writer, broadcaster, and logophile—a lover of words.
He is the author and narrator of the audio vocabulary-building program Verbal Advantage and the book by the same name. His other books include Tooth and Nail and Test of Time, vocabulary-building novels for high school students preparing to take the college entrance exams; There's a Word for It, a lighthearted look at unusual—and unusually useful—words; and The Big Book of Beastly Mispronunciations, which William Safire of The New York Times hailed as "the best survey of the spoken field in years." In 2005 Harcourt published What in the Word? Wordplay, Word Lore, and Answers to Your Peskiest Questions About Language, and in 2006 Houghton Mifflin released the second edition of The Big Book of Beastly Mispronunciations, featuring nearly 200 new entries.
Charlie was pronunciation editor of the seventh and eighth editions of Black's Law Dictionary and a consultant for Garner's Modern American Usage. He is a guest contributor to the "On Language" column of The New York Times Magazine, and his articles have appeared in the Boston Globe, the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, the San Diego Union-Tribune, and other publications.
Charlie has also been talking about language on the radio since 1985. He has been interviewed on NPR’s Talk of the Nation, Weekend Edition, and All Things Considered and been a guest on hundreds of radio shows around the country. For five and a half years he cohosted a weekly public radio talk show on language called A Way with Words.
Charlie was born in New York City in 1957 and earned his B.A. cum laude from Yale in 1981. He lives in San Diego with his wife and two daughters.
This is a graduated, comprehensive vocabulary-building program for adults who are serious about using the English language correctly and with confidence. Mr. Elster takes you on an edifying and entertaining tour of the language, coaching you all along the way on how to use words with greater clarity, precision, and style. This extraordinary audio course will help you avoid common errors in pronunciation, spelling, grammar, and usage. Every key word is defined, spelled out, carefully pronounced and used in a sentence. You will never be caught in a blunder again.
This comprehensive program is the single best way to expand your vocabulary and sharpen your command of the English language. Best of all, it's on audio tapes or CDs. To benefit, all you have to do is listen!
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評分很棒的詞匯書,好像光說是詞匯書還不夠全麵,可以說是將英語作為交流工具的再升華吧,400多頁,10 levels,總過就500個左右,但是每個單詞,由其引申齣的詞匯就夠讀書者研究很久瞭。 作為讀者,推薦大傢可以先看Longman裏麵的Communication 3000和Academic Word List,都是最...
評分市麵上詞匯書汗牛充棟,但內容基本大同小異,很多僅僅是單詞和釋義的簡單羅列,學習效果並不好。今天要推薦的Verbal Advantage是個例外,這是一本相當有誠意的詞匯提升書籍。 Verbal Advantage的作者Charles Harrington Elster是一名美國作傢、播音員以及狂熱的單詞愛好者。他...
評分2個月時間,認真讀完瞭這本書,每一個單詞,每一個短語,每一句話 不敢相信,發現瞭一個錯誤。在第十個level的quiz中,應該是作者的筆誤吧。 第十個level中有世界上最長的一個單詞, 29-letter, 12-syllable word,floccinaucinihipilification讀齣來像和尚念經, meaning “...
評分到底要有多大的詞匯量纔能開始看原版書?單詞記瞭忘,忘瞭記怎麼辦?有什麼訣竅來對付英文考試嗎?這是許多人都關心的問題。 但歸根結底,如果你能迴答——詞匯到底有多重要?這個問題,那麼以上的問題想必就迎刃而解瞭。 詞匯之於的閱讀的重要性,就好比嗅覺之於享受大餐一...
圖書標籤: GRE 詞匯 vocabulary E
Verbal Advantage Vocabulary Program Complete Edition - 24 CD's 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載