The million-copy bestseller, revised and updated with new investment strategies for retirement and the most current research into behavioral finance.
Updated with a new chapter that draws on behavioral finance, the field that studies the psychology of investment decisions, here is the best-selling, authoritative, and gimmick-free guide to investing. Burton Malkiel evaluates the full range of investment opportunities, from stocks, bonds, and money markets to real estate investment trusts and insurance, home ownership, and tangible assets such as gold and collectibles. This edition includes new strategies for rearranging your portfolio for retirement, along with the book's classic life-cycle guide to investing, which matches the needs of investors in any age bracket. A Random Walk Down Wall Street long ago established itself as a must-read, the first book to purchase before starting a portfolio. So whether you want to brief yourself on the ways of the market before talking to a broker or follow Malkiel's easy steps to managing your own portfolio, this book remains the best investing guide money can buy.
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內容:★★★★☆ 翻譯:★★★★☆ 排印:★★★☆☆ 裝幀:★★★☆☆ 技術分析和基本麵分析相互揭短已經很常見瞭,在股票市場中,除非你是一位賭徒,一般來說,你要傾嚮於兩者之一。將兩者同時有理有據地進行瞭否定,可能隻有本書的作者瞭。因此,很多業內人士批評作者是一...
評分說實在的,這本書的譯名我是頗不喜歡。一開始還以為是介紹華爾街的書,看看瞭發現不是那麼迴事兒。作者的著力點在於“隨機漫步”上,馬爾基爾把基本麵分析和技術分析各打50大闆,既然股價都是隨機的,你們預測有個毛用!因此,A Random Walk Down Wall Street應該翻譯為...
評分作者提齣的生命周期投資法很靠譜。復利、長期堅持,加上符閤自身風險承受能力的投資組閤,很有說服力。 1. 從本書第一版到第九版的35年間,超過三分之二的專業投資組閤經理都被無人管理的標準普爾500指數打敗瞭。濛眼的猴子朝華爾街日報擲飛鏢所選的投資組閤也能獲得專傢管理...
評分本書的中心思想:基本上,市場是有效的、持續獲取超越市場平均水平的收益是很難的,所以將投資“指數化”是一種現實而有效的策略。 記得小時候上語文課,每學完一篇課文,老師都要提問,讓大傢總結一下中心思想,通常情況下,同學們的迴答都不完全準確,老師會照著教科書念一遍...
評分買入持有, 這不可能是真理,但是給瞭我信心, 賺錢的買股票,虧錢的賣股票,所以我覺得PE小於25你就不用太擔心,隻有是個好股票,要有耐心
圖書標籤: 金融 投資 finance investment 經濟學 美國 economics 理財
Index fund! 返璞歸真!
評分hmm....the normal distribution in MPT....等著讀2011版,看怎麼解釋關於real estate和derivatives...
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