Ben Forta是世界知名的技术作家,也是Adobe技术界最为知名的专家之一,目前担任Adobe公司的高级技术推广专家。他具有计算机行业20多年工作经验,多年来撰写了十几本技术图书,其中不少是世界畅销书,已被翻译为十几种文字。除本书外,他撰写的《SQL必知必会》也由人民邮电出版社出版。
Sams Teach Yourself Regular Expressions in 10 Minutes 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分书中已经提及勘误表参看,但对照了一下,网页上2004年已经修正的勘误条目并没有被翻译版本吸收,主要是一些结果示例中的高亮范围,如原书第45页,中文第40页,结果中高亮部分不应该包括开头的点。 再比如附录B.12中的示例里错把...
评分是的. 正则不像学习编程语言,需要系统全面. 正则仅仅是一个工具 正则的学习(实践)是无止尽的. 没有人可以说正则很简单. 实现同一目的 的方法有太多太多. 更有趣的是,正则可以看出一个人性格. 是严谨?是爱耍小聪明?是稳重规矩?
评分这书是参加图灵五周年活动拿到的,2009年2月第2次印刷。 书很薄,一两个小时即可看完,实例+说明,适合临时抱佛脚用,是本不错的正则表达式入门书。译文相当流畅,值得一读。 不过,对于这薄薄一本书(正文部分不及百页)而言,错误似乎多了点。 部分勘误见:http://w...
评分charpter 1 1. 功能:搜索和查找 2. 学习正则表达式的关键在能够把他应用起来,而不是单纯的理解 资源 1. 测试工具 regular expression tester 或者在线工具 [
图书标签: 正则表达式 计算机 编程 regex 电子书 技术 sams programming
<P style="MARGIN: 0px">RegEx is supported in all major development environments (for use in editing and working with code) and will thus appeal to anyone using these tools. In addition, every JavaScript developer should be using RegEx, but most don't as it has never been taught to them properly before. Developers using ASP, C#, ColdFusion, Java JSP, PHP, Perl, Python, and more can (and should) be using RegEx, and so every one of them is a potential reader too. The reader of this book will learn how to:</P> <UL> <LI>Match characters sets <LI>Match repeating characters (using minimums and maximums if needed) <LI>Match (or ignore) based on case <LI>Build sub-expressions <LI>Use all of the special characters <LI>Work with excape sequences <LI>Use POSIX classes to simplify complex expressions <LI>Use back-references <LI>Use look-behind operators </LI></UL> <P style="MARGIN: 0px">Sams Teach Yourself Regular Expressions in 10 Minutes is a tutorial book organized into a series of easy-to-follow 10-minute lessons. These well targeted lessons teach you in 10 minutes what other books might take hundreds of pages to cover. Instead of dwelling on syntax, terminology, and arcane examples and scenarios, this book takes a very hands-on approach to solving the needs of the majority of RegEx users who simply need to manipulate data.</P>
Sams Teach Yourself Regular Expressions in 10 Minutes 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书