羅塞爾·羅伯茨(Russell Roberts)是聖路易斯市華盛頓大學經濟、政治和公共政策默裏·魏登鮑中心的約翰·M. 奧林高級研究員、美國國傢公共電颱的時事評論員。他的著作《選擇:自由貿易和保護主義的寓言》被《商業周刊》評為1994年年度最佳商業類圖書。
A love story that embraces the business and economic issues of the day?<br /> <br /> The Invisible Heart takes a provocative look at business, economics, and regulation through the eyes of Sam Gordon and Laura Silver, teachers at the exclusive Edwards School in Washington, D.C. Sam lives and breathes capitalism. He thinks that most government regulation is unnecessary or even harmful. He believes that success in business is a virtue. He believes that our humanity flourishes under economic freedom. Laura prefers Wordsworth to the Wall Street Journal. Where Sam sees victors, she sees victims. She wants the government to protect consumers and workers from the excesses of Sam's beloved marketplace.<br /> <br /> While Sam and Laura argue about how to make the world a better place, a parallel story unfolds across town. Erica Baldwin, the crusading head of a government watchdog agency, tries to bring Charles Krauss, a ruthless CEO, to justice. How are these two dramas connected? Why is Sam under threat of dismissal? Will Erica Baldwin find the evidence she needs? Can Laura love a man with an Adam Smith poster on his wall? The answers in The Invisible Heart give the reader a richer appreciation for how business and the marketplace transform our lives.
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昨天整理自己在豆瓣上想讀的書列,順便在學校圖書館看看有沒有,居然找到瞭。去圖書館書架上找的時候,還有些小小的擔憂:這麼新的書,2001年首發,作者能有多少積纍,會不會寫得很淺? 把一同搜颳來的書放在靠窗的桌上,坐下,準備看幾頁嘗一嘗。一不小心就把第一節看完瞭。...
評分 評分 評分沒有很多浪漫的愛情,更多的是兩人關於經濟學原理的有趣對話,有點像一部美國電影,衝突矛盾然後解決矛盾,總之很有節奏感,值得一看。
評分什麼叫做換位思考,什麼叫做從不同的角度去看問題。這本書會告訴你,其中的思辨。世界很多彩,你需要從多方麵去思考問題。書中說到,你所解決的問題是在一個復雜的係統,而不是物理學堂上的一個一個概念模型中。蝴蝶效應隨時可見,積木城堡隨時會因任一塊積木而倒塌。 同時書中...
圖書標籤: 經濟學 經濟 economics 緻惑原版 宏推 人生 RELATIONSHIP ECONOMICS
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