埃米爾·沃耳夫是美國羅切斯特大學的Witson教授,他從英國Bristol大學取得理學士學位和博士學位,並從英國愛丁堡大學獲得理學博士學位。1951年,他在該校加盟馬科斯·玻恩,與其閤作撰寫《光學原理》。他是馬科斯·玻恩的最後一個助手。除《光學原理》外,沃耳夫教授還同L.Mandel共同編寫瞭《光學相乾性和量子力學》(Optical Coherence and Quantum optics)一書,並且是著名刊物《尤學進展》(Progress in optics)的主編。他對光學的貢獻非常之多,乃眾所周知並為多項奬譽包括7個名譽博士所確認。沃耳夫教授曾是1978年美國尤學學會的主席,並且現今仍是該學會的一位名譽會員,同時也是印度光學學會和澳大利亞尤學學會的名譽會員。
Principles of Optics is one of the classic science books of the twentieth century, and probably the most influential book in optics published in the past 40 years. The new edition is the first ever thoroughly revised and expanded edition of this standard text. Among the new material, much of which is not available in any other optics text, is a section on the CAT scan (computerized axial tomography), which has revolutionized medical diagnostics. The book also includes a new chapter on scattering from inhomogeneous media which provides a comprehensive treatment of the theory of scattering of scalar as well as of electromagnetic waves, including the Born series and the Rytov series. The chapter also presents an account of the principles of diffraction tomography - a refinement of the CAT scan - to which Emil Wolf, one of the authors, has made a basic contribution by formulating in 1969 what is generally regarded to be the basic theorem in this field. The chapter also includes an account of scattering from periodic potentials and its connection to the classic subject of determining the structure of crystals from X-ray diffraction experiments, including accounts of von Laue equations, Bragg's law, the Ewald sphere of reflection and the Ewald limiting sphere, both generalized to continuous media. These topics, although originally introduced in connection with the theory of X-ray diffraction by crystals, have since become of considerable relevance to optics, for example in connection with deep holograms. Other new topics covered in this new edition include interference with broad-band light, which introduces the reader to an important phenomenon discovered relatively recently by Emil Wolf, namely the generation of shifts of spectral lines and other modifications of spectra of radiated fields due to the state of coherence of a source. There is also a section on the so-called Rayleigh-Sommerfield diffraction theory which, in recent times, has been finding increasing popularity among optical scientists. There are also several new appendices, including one on energy conservation in scalar wavefields, which is seldom discussed in books on optics. The new edition of this standard reference will continue to be invaluable to advanced undergraduates, graduate students and researchers working in most areas of optics.
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書評隻有這句:我從來沒有看過或聽說過哪一本物理學教材有這樣完善的曆史觀念。 雖然說“一門科學的曆史就是這門科學本身”,但物理學教材和物理學史還是必然要分離的。教材隻記敘曆史發展中的重要裏程碑,物理學史需要囊括認識過程的錯誤起點和所走的彎路。於是大多數教材容...
評分1, principles of optics-Born; (中英文版); 這本書最大的特點是:他直接以現代理論來解釋光學原理,而不是以曆史發展中各種暫時的理論,雖然這些理論也有些簡單的介紹。 前麵有一段曆史描述,迴顧瞭光學發展的曆史。 >順序上,是以各種理論發展...
評分書評隻有這句:我從來沒有看過或聽說過哪一本物理學教材有這樣完善的曆史觀念。 雖然說“一門科學的曆史就是這門科學本身”,但物理學教材和物理學史還是必然要分離的。教材隻記敘曆史發展中的重要裏程碑,物理學史需要囊括認識過程的錯誤起點和所走的彎路。於是大多數教材容...
評分玻恩和沃爾夫閤著的《光學原理》一書寫作過程 原創 2015-11-02 厚宇德 中國物理學會期刊網 玻恩與沃爾夫撰寫的《光學原理》(Principles of Optics)的前身是玻恩1933 年齣版的德文著作《光學》(Optik),而《光學》(Optik)則源於玻恩在哥廷根大學時講授光學課的講義。但是作為晶...
圖書標籤: 光學 物理 Optics Physics MaxBorn EmilWolf 物理學專論 optics
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評分不愧是聖經 太豐富
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