ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF DIGITAL SYSTEMS WITH VHDL integrates industry-standard hardware description language (VHDL) technology into the undergraduate digital logic course. Author Allen Dewey observes that the widespread use of VHDL in specifying digital system designs is driving change and innovation in industry, and defining a new skill set that engineering students must master to design, model, communicate, and implement digital systems. VHDL provides a formal mechanism for describing digital systems in a format easily processed by computers, succinctly capturing the basic concepts of digital systems engineering and harnessing the power of design automation technology. This book first presents combinational and sequential systems and their design, along with logic families and integrated circuits. It then interlocks these subjects with discussions of structural and data flow modeling, synchronous behavior, and algorithmic modeling of digital systems in VHDL. This dual-track organization of conceptual and VHDL-related material makes the book easily adaptable to one- or two-semester courses and a variety of teaching approaches.
Analysis and Design of Digital Systems With Vhdl 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
Analysis and Design of Digital Systems With Vhdl 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載