In his latest book, Frank Furedi argues that genuine intellectuals have largely disappeared from the public sphere - paradoxically, given that we supposedly live in a knowledge economy supported by an expanding higher education sector. The result is that potential intellectuals have taken up other, narrower, roles e.g. lobbyists, policy-advisers. This has impoverished public life. Furedi identifies the causes of this decline; the bureaucratisation of the university; reverse snobbishness; obsession with inclusiveness and relevance at all costs. In the final chapter he suggest where we should go from here.
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本書介紹瞭當代對精英主義的各種嘲諷和打擊,和對庸人主義的關照和迎閤。凡此種種,造成瞭知識分子的遺世孤立,和經曆的現實挫摺。對照中國當下 ,從機構的文憑主義興起,認同和認可製度的盛行;再觀照網絡上對公共知識分子的挖苦和嘲笑,以及任意給一個不喜歡的人貼上“公知”...
評分看瞭這本書,想記錄幾個名詞。 什麼是庸人? 一個欠缺人文文化的人;一個隻對日常事務感興趣的人。(The Shorter Oxford Ditionary) 按此化分,可分為工具主義觀和英纔教育觀。工具主義觀盡可以顧名思義,那麼什麼又是英纔教育觀呢?英纔教育觀者聲稱:就是通過提供平等的機...
評分本書介紹瞭當代對精英主義的各種嘲諷和打擊,和對庸人主義的關照和迎閤。凡此種種,造成瞭知識分子的遺世孤立,和經曆的現實挫摺。對照中國當下 ,從機構的文憑主義興起,認同和認可製度的盛行;再觀照網絡上對公共知識分子的挖苦和嘲笑,以及任意給一個不喜歡的人貼上“公知”...
圖書標籤: 美國 社會學 哲學
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