作者是美國知名的常民歷史學傢,寫過無數暢銷的歷史書,代錶作品《Intellectuals 所謂的知識分子》以詼諧趣味的筆調顛覆瞭傳統對「知識分子」的認知。( 中譯版刪去瞭關於馬剋思的那一章 )
這次作者將焦點放到瞭有史以來最富創意及創作精神的人物,從Jane Austen 珍.奧斯汀、英國詩人Geoffrey Chaucer 喬叟、Shakespeare 莎士比亞、Mark Twain 馬剋吐溫、到畫傢 Durer 杜勒、建築師 Pugin 普金,到 Picasso 畢卡索、 Disney 迪士尼、Bach 巴哈、裝飾藝術傢 Tiffany,包括十三位名傢、橫跨六個世紀,儘管本書不像《Intellectuals 所謂的知識分子》那樣充滿爭議,但是他也問齣瞭一些犀利的問題:是否會有人充滿創意卻智商偏低?是否有天馬行空的想像力就可以省下十年寒窗?
Twenty years ago Paul Johnson published Intellectuals, biographical essays forming what Kingsley Amis described as "a valuable and entertaining Rogues’ Gallery of Adventures of the Mind." It was a bestseller in many of the score of languages into which it was translated, but also criticized for describing clever people "so as to bring out their bad behavior" (Bernard Williams, New York Review of Books).</p>
Paul Johnson now meets the charge with this companion volume of essays on outstanding and prolific creative spirits. He looks at writers from Chaucer and Shakespeare to Mark Twain and T. S. Eliot, artists like Dürer, and architects such as Pugin and Viollet-le-Duc. He explains the different ways in which Jane Austen, Madame de Stael, and George Eliot struggled to make their voices heard in the masculine hubbub. Victor Hugo allows him to ask, "Can imaginative genius coexist with low intelligence?" Johann Sebastian Bach gives him the opportunity to focus on the role of genetics in creativity and to explore the strange world of the organ loft. Louis Comfort Tiffany takes him into the technology of glass-making and the tragic vagaries of aesthetic fashion. Some essays make illuminating comparisons: of Turner with his contemporary the Japanese master Hokusai, and of the two great dress designers, Balenciaga and Dior. The final essay examines those two inventive geniuses, Picasso and Disney, and asks which had the greater influence on the visual arts of the twentieth century -- and beyond.</p>
Paul Johnson believes that creation is a mysterious business that cannot be satisfactorily analyzed. But it can be illustrated in such a way as to bring out its salient characteristics. That is the purpose of this instructive and witty book.</p>
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記得小時候有一段時間很流行讀傳記,我和我的小夥伴各自都擁有好多巨擘的人生故事,牛頓、愛因斯坦、諾貝爾、居裏夫人、孫思邈、李四光……時隔多年,又看到這樣傳記類的書,不免心癢。 隻是這樣用一本書的厚度來講述喬叟、莎士比亞、巴赫、透納、畢加索、蒂凡尼等等一批涵蓋...
評分保羅·約翰遜(Paul Johnson, 1928- ),左撇子、紅頭發、英國天主教徒、反共人士,因為這些特點很容易被標簽化,所以自詡“對偏見無所不知”。不過,他本人也多有“偏見”,並且從不掩飾自己的“偏見”,例如他在《觀察傢》上大放厥詞:“根據我的經驗,高個子法國女性一般都...
評分純談個人體會。 本書裏談到的“創作”應有兩層意思。一是創作作品本身,二是創作(或改變)時代/行業。 丟勒之於版畫,巴赫之於管風琴,莎士比亞之於戲劇,巴倫夏卡之於高級女裝,畢加索之於現代藝術,迪士尼之於動畫電影——就是這樣的關係——好吧,我要承認其實我是跳著看...
評分文/張宏濤 很多創作大師的名字,名聞遐邇,然而我們往往隻知其名,並不瞭解其生平。最多在一些心靈雞湯小故事中看過一些關於這些天纔大師們的勵誌故事或名人軼事。但這些要麼是虛構的,要麼往往張冠李戴、以訛傳訛,無助於我們真正瞭解他們。 當代最著名的曆史學傢之一的英國...
圖書標籤: 曆史 隨筆 Essay 高級科普 創意 PaulJohnson
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