菲茨傑拉德(F.Scott Fitzgerald,1896-1940)著名美國小說傢。從1920年開始創作,以《人間天堂》一舉成名。他的小說生動地反映瞭20年代“美國夢”的破滅,展示瞭大蕭條時期美國上層社會“荒原時代”的精神麵貌。直到1940年去世時,仍在創作作品《最後的大亨》,在他有限的創作生涯裏,推齣瞭包括《人間天堂》《瞭不起的蓋茨比》《夜色溫柔》等多部長篇小說和150多部短篇小說。
Anthony and Gloria are the essence of Jazz Age glamour. A brilliant and magnetic couple, they fling themselves at life with an energy that is thrilling. New York is a playground where they dance and drink for days on end. Their marriage is a passionate theatrical performance; they are young, rich, alive and lovely and they intend to inherit the earth. But as money becomes tight, their marriage becomes impossible. And with their inheritance still distant, Anthony ang Gloria must grow up and face reality; they may be beautiful but they are also damned.
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那麼其實很多時候對於菲茨傑拉德這種傢夥,還是應當以批判的眼光去審視的。畢竟那樣高貴美麗、那樣虛幻的光景隻適閤欣賞,像泡沫,像彩虹,即使毀滅也隻是道風景而已。 我們都有真實的日子。 《美麗與毀滅》的情節其實很簡單——如同題目一樣直白的講述瞭一個從雲巔到地麵的...
評分在陽光下閃著俗麗的炫彩,Anthony的靈魂化為瞭他的郵票,像破繭的蝴蝶跳著慶祝新生的舞蹈。Gloria單純的執著最終成瞭Anthony的陪襯,她的美麗最終也被俗世沾染變成瞭小女孩口中的“不淨”. 而Patch 的靈魂猶如一抹不存於世的顔色,純粹的無法想象。他的旅途始終追隨著自己,dam...
評分菲茨傑拉德似乎是村上春樹最為佩服的作傢 村上春樹曾說過菲茨傑拉德的《瞭不起的蓋茨比》裏麵的每句話都說得十分齣色,由此菲茨傑拉德的功力可想而知。 《挪威的森林》和《美麗與毀滅》都是我喜歡的小說,但菲茨傑拉德猶勝一籌。 《美麗與毀滅》裏麵也幾乎是句句珠璣,充滿瞭諷...
評分因為喜歡村上春樹,纔關注他喜歡的菲茨傑拉德的書;因為看過電影《本傑明的奇幻旅程》,纔發現原來就是根據菲茨傑拉德的小說改編;因為在看Gossip Girl,纔知道原來Serena不是隻會玩,也會看書,就是這本啦!帶上這些心情看瞭這本書,總覺得讀起來很不順暢....難道是翻譯的問題嗎
評分相比於菲茨傑拉德的另一個長篇《瞭不起的蓋茨比》,我想這本書更有撼動人心的力量,它像一麵鏡子,兀自齣現在我們麵前,讓我們不得不正視自己、端詳自己。 人究竟要怎樣活著纔算不失敗? 安東尼在小說裏像個可憐蟲。在祖父眼裏他是一個無所事事、隻知道喝酒享...
圖書標籤: FranzScottFitzgerald Fitzgerald 美國文學 小說 英文 美國 文 and
評分Life rises around my island like a sea
評分茨傑拉德的長篇。耶茨醉心菲茨傑拉德,從《再見莎莉》就可看齣。菲氏的《美麗與毀滅》讀來簡直就像耶茨的長篇,講的是一位高富帥變成屌絲的過程,雖然最後爭到大筆遺産,自身的精神狀態及婚姻卻嚴重受損。看看這句主人公想求助其妻的一位仰慕者時:“To his distorted imagination Bloeckman had become simply one of his old friends.”
評分The key point is to inherit property from your grandpa. It's no need to thinking of money problems. Then enjoy your parties for routine and seek the essence of love. Fitzgerald conceived an ideal life indulged with whisky and gin as playboys always dragged. He mastered the rights of speech. Actually it's his own life. Win a lawsuit makes the point.
評分One single idea dragged out into a long depressing book, like their lives. Really flowery language. Quite disappointing, especially after Gatsby.
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