托馬斯.林奇(Thomas Lynch)著有《動與靜的身體》(Bodies in Motion and at Rest)、《和希瑟.格蕾絲一起滑冰》(Skating with Heather Grace)、《老雌貓及其他》(Grimalkin & Other Poems)和《仍然生活在米爾福德》(Still Life in Milford)。他的詩和散文發錶於《哈潑斯》、《倫敦書評》、《紐約客》和《巴黎評論》等著名期刊。林奇住在密歇根州的小鎮米爾福德,是小鎮上殯儀館的老闆。本書為作者贏得瞭1998年的美國圖書奬和1997的美國的國傢圖書奬提名。
Thomas Lynch serves his readership as a poet and memoirist, and his townspeople as a funeral director. In this wholly unique collection of essays, the two vocations meet as Lynch shows himself to be a competent functionary of mourning--dispensing comfort and homespun wisdom to the grief-stricken--as well as a poet poignantly tuning language to the right tones of private release. He is also a man of sardonic wit, uncovering humor where we least thought to find it--in our fear of and fascination with death. In its homages to parents who have died and to children who shouldn't have, its tales of golfers tripping over grave markers, portraits of gourmands and hypochondriacs, lovers and suicides, The Undertaking displays an impressively wide vocal range--from solemn, nostalgic, and lyrical to acerbic, sprightly, and unflinchingly professional.
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評分最早接觸這本書是在《瘋狂英語》上。非常有磁性卻彌漫著生冷氣息的聲音道:“I'd rather it'd be February.” 在那篇節選文章之後還有首至今沒搞明白究竟是哪國語言與英語混雜的通俗與美聲唱法混雜的男女對唱。雜誌早已不知所蹤,但這段音頻我一直保留著,時不時便會拷齣來聽。...
評分我喜愛那黑色的的封麵,在一大堆花團錦簇的色彩之中,這本書顯得謹慎、黯然、靜穆、疏遠。 死亡總讓我覺得親切,我是說,我那麼小就認識瞭它,所以很難再對它産生恐懼,我熟悉它,就象人們熟悉一條街道一樣,不帶偏見。 托馬斯·林奇首先是個殯葬師,其次纔是個詩人。...
評分 評分一日帶著這本書興緻勃勃的去教室觀看,一位朋友看到吃驚的看著我說:你怎麼看這種書?! 最開始吸引我的正是這本書的書名和封麵。 一個人的人生當中總有這麼一次兩次的機會接觸到這個職業的人,也許我們將其視為洪水猛獸或是瘟疫一般,避而不談,可是我們卻無法忽視。托...
圖書標籤: 美國 English work
評分If we couldn't be with the one we loved, honey, wo loved the one we were with
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