Who is the child of the night? That's what small-town reported Will Barbee must find out. Inexorably drawn into investigating a rash of grisly deaths, he soon finds himself embroiled in something far beyond mortal understanding.
Doggedly pursuing his investigations, he meets the mysterious and seductive April Bell and starts having disturbing, tantalizing dreams in which he does terrible things--things that are stranger and wilder than his worst nightmares. then his friends being dying one by one and he slowly realizes that an unspeakable evil has been unleashed.
As Barbee's world crumbles around him in a dizzying blizzard of madness, the intoxicating, dangerous April pushes Barbee ever closer to the answer to the question "Who is the Child of Night?"
When Barbee finds out, he'll wish he'd never been born.
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恩。。。裏麵的變種人好像比較懼怕銀質的東西 在中考結束的時候花瞭兩天一口氣讀完。兩個字:痛快!
評分 評分話說這個封麵做的實在有辱大傢。 office有鬼比較有成就感的地方,就是讓人每次上廁所開門都心裏一顫。 比你想象的更黑暗這本書,聰明到用科學原理來解釋著一切,概率、基因、蓋然性等等,而不是單純完全的恐怖類、變形類書。 所使用的道具--銀,以及可以看到異象的狗,都與...
圖書標籤: 科幻 美國 奇幻 恐怖小說 小說 Sci-Fi
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