The Great Depression has bound a nation in despair -- and only a privileged few have risen above it: the exorbitantly wealthy ... and the hucksters who feed upon them. Diego, a seventeen-year-old illegal Mexican immigrant, owes his salvation to master grifter Thomas Schell. Together with Schell's gruff and powerful partner, they sail comfortably through hard times, scamming New York's grieving rich with elaborate, ingeniously staged seances -- until an impossible occurrence changes everything. While "communing with spirits," Schell sees an image of a young girl in a pane of glass, silently entreating the con man for help. Though well aware that his otherworldly "powers" are a sham, Schell inexplicably offers his services to help find the lost child -- drawing Diego along with him into a tangled maze of deadly secrets and terrible experimentation. At once a hypnotically compelling mystery and a stunningly evocative portrait of Depression-era New York, "The Girl in the Glass" is a masterly literary adventure from a writer of exemplary vision and skill.
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中文譯者:乃鼎齋無機客 被訪問者:傑弗裏·福特(美國知名幻想文學作傢) 訪問者(以下用符號I錶示):你是怎麼開始寫作的?特彆是創作科幻小說? 傑弗裏·福特(以下用J錶示):從孩提起,我就開始寫作小說瞭,大概是在八九歲年紀。我用鉛筆在黑色和白色的大理石闆上寫故事...
評分以小人物為主角的小說與電影,尤其能打動普羅大眾。當我翻到《The Girl in the Glass》的最後一頁時,真是諸多感慨,依依不捨,不忍與之告彆。“突然猛地一股風吹來,像是有人一下摔開門,把我嚇瞭一跳。我轉頭去看是誰,但門關著,那裏連個人影也沒有。正當那時,我注意到...
評分中文譯者:乃鼎齋無機客 被訪問者:傑弗裏·福特(美國知名幻想文學作傢) 訪問者(以下用符號I錶示):你是怎麼開始寫作的?特彆是創作科幻小說? 傑弗裏·福特(以下用J錶示):從孩提起,我就開始寫作小說瞭,大概是在八九歲年紀。我用鉛筆在黑色和白色的大理石闆上寫故事...
評分文 乃鼎齋無機客 傑弗裏·福特是誰? 假如我要用“美國著名科幻奇幻作傢,世界奇幻奬得主,星雲科幻奬得主”等一溜子稱呼來形容他,我的這篇文章也就失敗瞭。傑弗裏在我的腦海中,始終是那個憨態可掬的大胖子,給我從美國寄來他的最新著作的熱心人,對我這個...
評分中文譯者:乃鼎齋無機客 被訪問者:傑弗裏·福特(美國知名幻想文學作傢) 訪問者(以下用符號I錶示):你是怎麼開始寫作的?特彆是創作科幻小說? 傑弗裏·福特(以下用J錶示):從孩提起,我就開始寫作小說瞭,大概是在八九歲年紀。我用鉛筆在黑色和白色的大理石闆上寫故事...
圖書標籤: 傑弗裏•福特 小說 幻想基地叢書 幻想 外國文學 英語讀物 英文 傑弗裏·福特
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