獲愛倫•坡終身大師奬(The Edgar Awards for Grand Master)
獲鑽研匕首奬(The CWA Cartier Diamond Dagger)
兩獲馬耳他之鷹奬(The Maltese Falcon Award)
三獲愛倫•坡最佳小說奬(Edgar Awards for Best Novel)
四獲夏姆斯奬(Shamus Award)
The winner of multiple Edgar, Shamus, and Maltese Falcon Awards, Mystery Writers of America Grand Master Lawrence Block has elevated the detective novel to high art--combining grit with intelligence, suspense with stunning emotional complexity and power. And in unlicensed private investigator Matthew Scudder, he has created a character whose depth and stark humanity is unrivalled in contemporary fiction.
An ancient brotherhood meets annually in the back room of a swank Manhattan restaurant--a fraternity created in secret to celebrate life by celebrating its dead. But the past three decades have not been kind to the Club of 31. Matthew Scudder--ex-cop, ex-boozer--has known death in all its guises. Which is why he has been asked to investigate a baffling, thirty-year run of suicides and suspiciously random accidents that has thinned the ranks of this very select group of gentlemen. But Scudder has mortality problems of his own. For this is a city that feeds mercilessly on the unsuspecting--and even thepowerful and those who serve them are easy prey. There are too many secrets here--and too many places for a maddeningly patient serial killer to hide...and wait...and strike.
A Long Line of Dead Men 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
以上是我對馬修斯卡德係列的總體評價,因為剛讀完這一本,所以寫在這本書後麵。 最近常常把村上春樹和勞倫斯布洛剋放在一起比較,他倆的相似之處有: 一、充滿大都市的荒涼與絕望,也讓讀者學會都市生存的法則與小訣竅; 二、兩個老朋剋,永遠牛比,不信命、不服老、不服輸 ...
評分我沉重的掩捲。 沒有《八百萬種死法》和《屠宰場之舞》那裏麵的澎湃激情和讓血液燃燒的因子。布洛剋變得平和瞭。而且他讓馬修站得更高,一度展現瞭上帝視角,當時我很不習慣。但你不能否認,布洛剋的馬修改變瞭,在他55歲時。 如同書中反復提及的越戰紀念碑一樣,...
評分 評分從布洛剋長長的書單上,《一長串的死者》排在後麵,可以看齣,這是布洛剋羅為後期的作品,從時間上推斷,布洛剋正在老去,而從這本書小說的行文和內容上,馬修·斯卡德也正在老去。 相比我讀過的《八百萬種死法》、《刀鋒之先》、《行過死蔭之地》,雖然沒有按著順序,但從文風...
評分圖書標籤: 推理 Lawrence_Block LawrenceBlock 英文原版 美國 經典 歐美 小說
評分Lawrence Block的推理小說裏我最喜歡的Matthew Scudder係列。這老頭做人不卑不亢,做事不急不燥,總能把驚心動魄的案子辦得心平氣和似的,讓人讀瞭心裏踏實。
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