"The Three Incestuous Sisters" is an evocative, illustrated book by the best-selling author of "The Time Traveler's Wife," Audrey Niffenegger. Reminiscent of the gothic style of Edward Gorey, Niffenegger's visually stunning narrative affirms her genius as a storyteller. These rich pages present the tale of three very different sisters: one who is beautiful, one who is smart, and one who is talented. A melodrama of sibling rivalry unfurls as one sister is driven mad with jealousy due to the passionate love affair of another. Escalating to a dizzying climax, the romance of the two lovers ends in sabotage, shame, and despair. Haunting illustrations and lyrical prose depict a timeless tale of love, revenge, and ultimately, transcendence. "The Three Incestuous Sisters" is a unique and lavish tour de force, which showcases Audrey Niffenegger's incredible talent as an artist and a writer.
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圖書標籤: 繪本 AudreyNiffenegger 美國 圖文小說 藝術 甜食 優質漫畫者的優質作品 優漫
評分2010鼕日 蘇州 書蟲
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