約翰·埃姆斯利(John Emsley)博士,曾在倫敦大學從事20年化學研究和教學工作。現為英國劍橋大學化學係駐校科學作傢。他於2003年獲德國化學會頒發的作傢奬。著有《分子博覽會》、《食物過敏的原因及其預防》、《磷元素令人震驚的曆史》、《構造大自然的基礎材料》、《虛榮心、生命力和生殖力》等多部科普暢銷書。其著作被翻譯成多種文字暢銷世界各國。作品《消費者化學指南》於1995年獲得羅納-普朗剋科學圖書奬。
Was Napoleon killed by the arsenic in his wallpaper? How did Rasputin survive cyanide poisoning? Which chemicals in our environment pose the biggest threat to our health today?
In The Elements of Murder, John Emsley offers a fascinating account of five of the most toxic elements--arsenic, antimony, lead, mercury, and thallium--describing their lethal chemical properties and highlighting their use in some of the most famous murder cases in history. Indeed, we meet in
this book a who's who of heartless murderers. Mary Ann Cotton, who used arsenic to murder her mother, three husbands, a lover, eight of her own children, and seven step children, a grand total of 20 people. Michael Swango, who may have killed as many as 60 of his patients and several of his
colleagues during the 20 years he practiced as a doctor and paramedic. And even Saddam Hussein, who used thallium sulfate to poison his political rivals. Emsley also shows which toxic elements may have been behind the madness of King George III (almost certainly a case of acute lead poisoning), the
delusions of Isaac Newton, and the strange death of King Charles II. In addition, the book examines many modern day environmental catastrophes, including accidental mass poisoning from lead and arsenic, and the Minamata Bay disaster in Japan.
Written by a leading science writer, famous for his knowledge of the elements and their curious and colorful histories, The Elements of Murder offers an enticing combination of true crime tales and curious science that adds up to an addictive read.
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雖然書名中有曆史二字,但這並不是一本係統講述毒藥史的學術著作,而更類似於一本介紹曆史上用有毒元素(砷、汞、銻、鉛、鉈)作為投毒工具的案例集閤,把它當做一本探案小說集來讀亦未嘗不可。 在化工技術高歌猛進的今天,各種更高效、更劇毒、更隱蔽的毒藥粉墨登場...
評分現在的書市裏,可以找到不少“另類史學”的書,所謂的“風俗史”[此處的風俗二字請參照日本人的詮釋方嚮]、情色史、疾病的曆史、朗姆酒的曆史、多種美食調味品的曆史,乃至於“屎”的曆史,廁所的曆史,都可以找到相應的書籍。 司馬遷那個時代的史官們往往記錄的是王侯...
評分我不是很喜歡讀這類的書,當初買的時候,就是因為簡介裏麵有說曆史上的人們如何用這些化學元素製成毒藥去謀殺人,於是比較好奇的就買瞭。 書是在亞馬遜上買的,到手後,稍有些髒,估計是長時間無人問津。哈哈,剛開始看瞭,都是在講汞的化學知識,讀的我暈頭轉嚮的,不...
圖書標籤: 曆史 化學 科普 毒藥 英語 工程科學 chem EN
評分基本上這個書就是講一個有毒金屬講一些曆史上用該金屬下毒的例子; 科學性很贊, 因為該書作者是化學傢
評分基本上這個書就是講一個有毒金屬講一些曆史上用該金屬下毒的例子; 科學性很贊, 因為該書作者是化學傢
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