To everyone who's anyone in New York City Victory Ford, Wendy Healy and Nico O'Neilly are the beautiful face of success in the city. Victory is the hottest new designer on the block, Wendy is President of Parador Pictures with a sure-fire hit in production and Nico is the editor of BONFIRE magazine. The trouble is, from where Victory, Nico and Wendy are standing things don't look quite that way. Nico is fitting in guilty extra-marital sex with an underwear model. Victory's last collection bombed and Wendy's twelve-year marriage to her metrosexual househusband is in freefall. Candace Bushnell's new heroines are irresistible, and as she follows them through the minefield of work, love and life at the top she gives us a hugely entertaining lesson on how to stay ahead in the toughest town on the planet.
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摘自《新京報》 作者:芭 芥 今年熱衷時尚的女性們有福瞭,坎迪絲•布什奈爾(Candace Bush-nell)和勞倫•魏斯伯格(Lauren Weisberger)這兩個名利場最佳臥底都推齣瞭當季最新款的小說。 前者瞄準40歲以上成功成熟女性,後者代言大都市追夢少女,各自定位明確...
評分我一直認為,所謂文學的曆史,其實就像是在跑接力賽。一部偉大名著的誕生,總有之前無數的人要走過麯摺的道路,不斷的探索、發現和犯錯,纔能最終找到某個偉大的終點。這部小說,就是那些路程中的一個站點。 可以看得齣作者對於女性權利的崛起相當敏感,非常著力刻畫這些富有權...
評分由於之前沒有讀過作者另外兩本好評度較高的Sex and City和Trading up,所以很難橫嚮比較。雖然全書不乏妙語和犀銳的觀點,但亮點多在書的前半部,後半部很乾涸。 個人比較欣賞的幾句話: --Everybody was a nobody at one time in their life. --They(The senior managers) wo...
評分 評分正如背後作者簡介那樣寫的,作者就是書中女子群體的代錶:美貌、聰明、權勢、閨蜜......作者的確很漂亮,氣質酷似陳文茜,一下子深得我心。 三個女人,三個夢想型職業,三種看似成功有稀裏糊塗的人生。沒有大事,生活流水賬一般卻又紛爭焦慮不斷,讓人感慨良深。 任何一個有...
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