Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) was one of the major literary figures of the twentieth century. An admired literary critic, she authored many essays, letters, journals, and short stories in addition to her groundbreaking novels.
Though its fame as an icon of twentieth-century literature rests primarily on the brilliance of its narrative technique and the impressionistic beauty of its prose, To the Lighthouse is above all the story of a quest, and as such it possesses a brave and magical universality.
Observed across the years at their vacation house facing the gales of the North Atlantic, Mrs. Ramsay and her family seek to recapture meaning from the flux of things and the passage of time. Though it is the death of Mrs. Ramsay on which the novel turns, her presence pervades every page in a poetic evocation of loss and memory that is also a celebration of domestic life and its most intimate details. Virginia Woolf’s great book enacts a powerful allegory of the creative consciousness and its momentary triumphs over fleeting material life.
A landmark of modern fiction and Virginia Woolf's most popular novel, first published in 1927. To the Lighthouse explores the subjective reality of the everyday life of the Ramsay family of the British Hebrides islands. A 'feminine' book, filled with irony, sadness, and doubts about life.
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《到燈塔去》伍爾夫 我正經書讀得少,尤其很少看西方作傢的文字,一來覺著看得辛苦,二來擔心翻譯詞不達意。當然,主要還是自己學識學養不夠,小學生聽大學課,何必裝模作樣地為難自己呢?沒想到這次還是忍不住又裝瞭一次。 之前,在石康的博客裏看到他說:“中國女人與年齡...
評分 評分《燈塔行》講瞭一個典型的伍爾芙式簡單故事:雷姆塞夫婦和八個子女在小島海濱彆墅裏尋常的一天——他們計劃第二天到燈塔去 ,但最終因天氣原因沒有成行。十年時光悄然流逝,期間,雷姆塞夫人辭世人,女兒普魯難産去早逝,兒子安德魯戰死,而那棟海邊的房子早已因時光侵蝕、風吹...
評分弗吉尼亞•伍爾芙的《到燈塔去》很好讀——簡單的情節,沒有任何懸念。但它竟何名留文學史?隻是因為它的作者是意識流代錶作傢、女性主義書寫者,最後殺死瞭自己的弗吉尼亞•伍爾芙? 讀完這本書,意識到它的價值在於反復咀嚼——當你隻顧閱讀情節時,卻忽視瞭代錶精確性的...
圖書標籤: 英國 外國文學 伍爾夫 1001
Virginia Woolf. Need more be said? (My favorite is yet Mrs. Dalloway.)
評分Virginia Woolf. Need more be said? (My favorite is yet Mrs. Dalloway.)
評分Gratefully, I have seen your vision.
評分Virginia Woolf. Need more be said? (My favorite is yet Mrs. Dalloway.)
評分Gratefully, I have seen your vision.
To the Lighthouse 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載