With [Bob Schulberg's] death, radio lost a brilliant advocate and a good friend. Fortunately, Bob's gifted son, Pete, knows a lot about broadcasting, too both as a broadcast newsman and a newspaper journalist covering the media. Pete has picked up where his dad left off, bringing the book up to date with a skill and thoroughness I know Bob would be proud of. Good writing runs in the Schulberg family. Radio is magic all right. And the Schulbergs, Bob and Pete, explain how the magic works. "This is required reading for all broadcasters and all sales people in all markets and formats. -- Rocky Blumhagen Station Manager KGON/KNRK Portland, OR "Radio Advertising: The Authoritative Handbook is a must read for both neophytes and veterans of the broadcasting business." -- Jerry Feniger Managing Director Station Representatives Association "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree! Pete Schulberg has undated his father's classic work for the cyberspace era, producing a wholly contemporary book that retains the first edition's clear, readable presentation of those fundamentals essential to every broadcaster and advertising professional. Radio Advertising is worthwhile reading for students and newcomers to the business as well as seasoned pros who are looking for new ideas on how to use radio more effectively. This book is a winner!" -- Roger Baron Vice President, Director of Media Research Foote, Cone & Belding
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