馬泰·卡林內斯庫(Matei Calinescu),美國印第安納大學比較文學教授。著有《文學與政治》(1982)、《現代主義與意識形態》(1986)等。
"Five Faces of Modernity" is a series of semantic and cultural biographies of words that have taken on special significance in the last century and a half or so: "modernity," "avant-garde," "decadence," "kitsch," and "postmodernism." The concept of modernity--the notion that we, the living, are different and somehow superior to our predecessors and that our civilization is likely to be succeeded by one even superior to ours--is a relatively recent Western invention and one whose time may already have passed, if we believe its postmodern challengers. Calinescu documents the rise of cultural modernity and, in tracing the shifting senses of the five terms under scrutiny, illustrates the intricate value judgments, conflicting orientations, and intellectual paradoxes to which it has given rise.
"Five Faces of Modernity" attempts to do for the foundations of the modernist critical lexicon what earlier terminological studies have done for such complex categories as "classicism," "baroque," "romanticism," "realism," or "symbolism" and thereby fill a gap in literary scholarship. On another, more ambitious level, Calinescu deals at length with the larger issues, dilemmas, ideological tensions, and perplexities brought about by the assertion of modernity.
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評分總體基礎比較穩,兩種現代性一直貫穿。但是論述視角時不時在變,所以遊離於學術概念史和現代性問題分析之間。 比較中庸,對各種悖論和時間問題把握到位。但是企圖用時間牽綫,有點牽強。“五副麵孔”並不在一個邏輯起點上,結果被序言中一句話化解掉瞭。也算是有道理吧,不過是...
評分西方文學理論看得很少,所以這本很有名的《現代性的五副麵孔》我沒有看太懂,呃……其實基本看懂瞭書裏在說什麼,但是很慚愧看完後沒有什麼自己的見解,所以藉豆瓣整理一下思路。 一.現代性的概念 ·以古今之爭分析瞭現代和古代的關係,從“古代巨人肩膀上的現代侏儒”到“螺...
評分現代性 社會現代性和審美現代性是一對矛盾。前者是指科學進步、工業革命、資本主義帶來的全麵經濟社會變化的産物。而後者自浪漫派的開端就傾嚮於激進的反資産階級態度。通過反叛、無政府、天啓主義、自我流放等多樣手段來錶達厭惡。 資本主義體製産生於新教倫理...
圖書標籤: 現代性 文學理論 modernity 文化研究 Avant-garde 建築理論 建築 批評理論
評分Decadence和 Kitsch兩部分寫得稍弱、有些亂(特彆是Decadence)。Modernism那部分很精彩地闡明瞭不同的理論發展和翻譯路綫及流派,特彆是對蘇聯關於“現代主義”的理解闡釋得很清楚,對研究中國當代藝術很有幫助。
評分aesthetic modernity as "a crisis concept involved in a threefold dialectical opposition," and modernity as "the name of a cultural family resemblance"
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