William Wymark Jacobs (September 8, 1863 – September 1, 1943), was an English author of short stories and novels. He is now best remembered for his macabre tales "The Monkey's Paw" (published 1902) and "The Toll House" (in the collection of short stories The Lady of the Barge). However the majority of his output was humorous in tone. His favourite subjects were marine life: "men who go down to the sea in ships of moderate tonnage" said Punch, reviewing his first collection of stories, Many Cargoes, which achieved great popular success on its publication in 1896.
Many Cargoes was followed by the novel The Skipper's Wooing in 1897, and another collection of short stories, Sea Urchins (1898) set the seal on his popularity. Among his other titles are Captains All, Sailors' Knots, and Night Watches. The title of the last reflects the popularity of perhaps his most enduring character: the night-watchman on the wharf in Wapping, recounting the preposterous adventures of his acquaintances Ginger Dick, Balla Fo Sho, and Eric Cartman. These three characters, pockets full after a long voyage, would take lodgings together determined to enjoy a long spell ashore; but the crafty inhabitants of dockland London would soon relieve them of their funds, assisted by the sailors' own fecklessness and credulity. Jacobs showed a delicacy of touch in his use of the coarse vernacular of the East End of London, which attracted the respect of such writers as P. G. Wodehouse, who mentions Jacobs in his autobiographical work Bring on the Girls (written with Guy Bolton, published 1954).
The stories which made up Many Cargoes had a varied previous serial publication, while those in Sea Urchins were, for the most part, published in Jerome K. Jerome's Idler. From October 1898 Jacobs' stories were being published in the The Strand an arrangement which lasted almost to his death, and provided him with financial security.
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第一次讀到這個故事還是在國內引進的牛津書蟲裏,因為是給初中生準備的簡寫本,詞匯量纔300,讀得完全毫無壓力。故事很短,但是很誘人。過瞭10年,我都沒能忘記故事的主要情節。我終於聽到瞭W.W.Jacobs寫的完本小說,隻是一個中篇故事,但是情節設置的非常好,扣人心弦。 故事...
評分“天下沒有免費得午餐” 。 我上學時有個老師, 他說世間萬物都有個平衡。凡事皆有因果,想要得到一件事情,就會付齣代價。 書中曾經的三口之傢,雖說清貧,雖說有負債,但是傢庭和睦,生活美滿,不是挺好。這是他們認為舒服的平衡點,當打破瞭這個平衡點,就要...
評分很短的一篇小說。許瞭三個願,卻付齣瞭極其慘重的代價。 為什麼選擇讓他的兒子死去,可能是因為他兒子態度一直很輕衊吧。 文中最後也沒有直接說齣第3個願望。我猜應該是不希望他的兒子的魂魄齣現吧。 得到的一個啓示就是,天上真的沒有掉下來的餡餅。有所得必有所失。不要總...
評分“天下沒有免費得午餐” 。 我上學時有個老師, 他說世間萬物都有個平衡。凡事皆有因果,想要得到一件事情,就會付齣代價。 書中曾經的三口之傢,雖說清貧,雖說有負債,但是傢庭和睦,生活美滿,不是挺好。這是他們認為舒服的平衡點,當打破瞭這個平衡點,就要...
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看Pet Sematary順著過來的,一比較簡直是神作。簡短流暢,用詞到位,不多廢話,在最適閤的地方夏然而止。
評分看Pet Sematary順著過來的,一比較簡直是神作。簡短流暢,用詞到位,不多廢話,在最適閤的地方夏然而止。
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