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A Feast for Crows


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George R.R. Martin sold his first story in 1971 and has been writing professionally ever since. He has written fantasy, horror, and science fiction, and for his sins spent ten years in Hollywood as a writer/producer, working on Twilight Zone, Beauty and the Beast, and various feature films and television pilots that were never made. In the mid 90s he returned to prose, his first love, and began work on his epic fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire. He has been in the Seven Kingdoms ever since. Whenever he's allowed to leave, he returns to Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he lives with the lovely Parris, a big white dog called Mischa, and two cats named Augustus and Caligula who think they run the place.


As a child growing up in New Jersey, George R.R. Martin displayed an early interest in "the writing life" by selling monster stories of his own invention to the children in his Bayonne neighborhood. In high school he became an avid comic book collector and began to write for comic fanzines. He sold his first story to Galaxy in 1970 when he was 21 years old.

Martin received his bachelor's and master's degrees in journalism from Northwestern University. After graduation he served two years in VISTA, then worked as a teacher and chess tournament director in the Midwest, while continuing to craft award-winning short fiction. His first full-length novel, Dying of the Light, was published in 1977. A dark, lyrical sci-fi tone poem set on a doomed world without a sun, the book was nominated for a Hugo Award.

Throughout the 1980s, Martin worked in television, writing for science fiction- and fantasy-themed shows like The Twilight Zone and Beauty and the Beast. At this time he became involved with Wild Cards, a long-running anthology series composed of "mosaic stories" written by multiple authors and set in a shared universe. In addition to editing the series, Martin has contributed stories to the Wild Card books.

In 1996, Martin published A Game of Thrones, the first installment of his magnum opus, the epic fantasy series A Song of Fire and Ice. Set in the Seven Kingdoms, a realm resembling medieval Europe, the internationally bestselling series has provided the ultimate showcase for Martin's formidable world-building and characterization skills.

During the course of his long, prolific career, Martin has accrued every major literary prize for science fiction or fantasy writing, including the Hugo, Nebula, World Fantasy, Bram Stoker, Daedelus, and Locus awards. But what endears him especially to his readers is his extraordinary accessibility. A tireless participant in genre conventions and festivals, he maintains a cordial relationship with his fans through his website and blog. He is also a member of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America.

A Feast for Crows pdf epub mobi 圖書描述

It seems too good to be true. After centuries of bitter strife and fatal treachery, the seven powers dividing the land have decimated one another into an uneasy truce. Or so it appears. . . . With the death of the monstrous King Joffrey, Cersei is ruling as regent in King’s Landing. Robb Stark’s demise has broken the back of the Northern rebels, and his siblings are scattered throughout the kingdom like seeds on barren soil. Few legitimate claims to the once desperately sought Iron Throne still exist—or they are held in hands too weak or too distant to wield them effectively. The war, which raged out of control for so long, has burned itself out.

But as in the aftermath of any climactic struggle, it is not long before the survivors, outlaws, renegades, and carrion eaters start to gather, picking over the bones of the dead and fighting for the spoils of the soon-to-be dead. Now in the Seven Kingdoms, as the human crows assemble over a banquet of ashes, daring new plots and dangerous new alliances are formed, while surprising faces—some familiar, others only just appearing—are seen emerging from an ominous twilight of past struggles and chaos to take up the challenges ahead.

It is a time when the wise and the ambitious, the deceitful and the strong will acquire the skills, the power, and the magic to survive the stark and terrible times that lie before them. It is a time for nobles and commoners, soldiers and sorcerers, assassins and sages to come together and stake their fortunes . . . and their lives. For at a feast for crows, many are the guests—but only a few are the survivors.

Few books have captivated the imagination and won the devotion and praise of readers and critics everywhere as has George R. R. Martin’s monumental epic cycle of high fantasy that began with A Game of Thrones. Now, in A Feast for Crows, Martin delivers the long-awaited fourth book of his landmark series, as a kingdom torn asunder finds itself at last on the brink of peace . . . only to be launched on an even more terrifying course of destruction.

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當之無愧的史詩巨作。 很獨特的POV寫法。 (本人隻看完三前傳,四正傳,此文談四正傳) (繼《龍族》《冰與火之歌》,《龍槍》將是我下一個徵途,陶醉啊) (有劇透,隻關注可以一爭天下的角色們) 我仍然懷念瓊恩•雪諾他們發下的誓言,莊嚴而肅穆:“Night gathers, a...  



預言不是用來改變命運,而是用來自掘墳墓的。 薄姬是魏王豹的後宮。相士許負預言她必生天子,魏王豹自然美滋滋:妾侍的兒子是天子,自己還用說麼?他在楚漢間搖擺不定,韓信破魏,他被虜至滎陽,為周苛所殺。薄姬沒入後宮,管夫人和趙子兒的一句玩笑話讓劉邦心血來潮“幸”瞭...  


馬丁在最後說,這個故事太長,所以有兩種選擇,一是寫部分地方的全部故事,一是寫全部地方的部分故事。他選擇瞭前者。把後麵其他地方的故事放在下一本 a dance with dragon 裏瞭 幾乎沒有什麼特彆精彩的段落,但各個綫都有不小的進展,所以對第五本還是很期待的 ...


馬丁在最後說,這個故事太長,所以有兩種選擇,一是寫部分地方的全部故事,一是寫全部地方的部分故事。他選擇瞭前者。把後麵其他地方的故事放在下一本 a dance with dragon 裏瞭 幾乎沒有什麼特彆精彩的段落,但各個綫都有不小的進展,所以對第五本還是很期待的 ...

類似圖書 點擊查看全場最低價
作者:[美] 喬治·R·R·馬丁
價格:USD 18.00
叢書系列:A Song of Ice and Fire

圖書標籤: 冰與火之歌  George.R.R.Martin  小說  英文原版  奇幻  美國  英文  fantasy   

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...突然改成half character full story 太不習慣瞭瞭瞭






a whole story for half of the characters... 這一部裏麵缺瞭好多人,但是還是很精彩。多恩在前三部都是背景,在這一部裏麵突然成瞭主角,但是筆墨又不太多。瑟熙把自己玩死瞭,聰明反被聰明誤。珊莎和艾莉亞最讓人揪心,特彆是艾莉亞,她怎麼能瞎瞭呢!!!臥槽!!!史塔剋傢的孩子們其實隻有羅伯死瞭,但是他們相互之間都以為其他人死光瞭,都成瞭孤狼。Nymeria肯定還在河間地區遊蕩著,不知道艾莉亞什麼時候能夠再和她的狼重聚……



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