菲利普·羅斯(1933— ) 1997年,菲利普·羅斯因《美國牧歌》獲得普利策奬。1998年,他在白宮獲頒美國國傢藝術勛章;2002年,他榮獲美國藝術與文學學院最高奬項小說金奬,該奬曾頒給約翰·多斯·帕索斯、威廉·福剋納及索爾·貝婁等人。他曾兩次獲得美國全國圖書奬、福剋納筆會奬和美國全國書評傢協會奬。
In Philip Roth"s intimate intellectual encounters with an international and diverse cast of writers, they explore the importance of region, politics, and history in their work and trace the imaginative path by which a writer"s highly individualized art is informed by the wider conditions of life.
Milan Kundera and Czechoslovakia, Primo Levi and Auschwitz, Edna O"Brien and Ireland, Aharon Appelfeld and Bukovina, Ivan Klíma and Prague, Isaac Singer and Warsaw, Bruno Schulz and Poland — what is the intricate transaction between the susceptible writer and the provocative time and place? Roth"s questions go to the original conditions that stimulate the narrative impulse, and he puts them to writers who are as attuned to the subtleties of literature as to the influence of the surrounding society.
Also included here are appreciative portraits of two of Roth"s late friends, each transfixed till the end by his artistic vocation — the writer Bernard Malamud and the painter Philip Guston — as well as several cartoons drawn by Guston, a gift to Roth to illustrate his novella THE BREAST and printed here for the first time. SHOP TALK concludes with Roth"s essay "Rereading Saul Bellow," a vivid presentation of Bellow"s achievement and, in the spirit of this collection, very much a colleague"s reading.
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評分http://www.douban.com/group/topic/4439786/ 訪談中可以看齣來,羅斯在昆德拉麵前的自己給自己定位在哪兒
評分在這部菲利普•羅斯主持的談話錄《行話》中,我們很快能意識到有兩個關鍵詞一直隱藏在這些作傢們對談的精神之流中:一個是“猶太人”,另一個是大屠殺或者奧斯維辛集中營。這本書的英文名“shop talk”本意是指兩三同事在辦公之外的場閤談論他們的本職工作,翻譯為“行話”頗...
評分本書主人公大都是(身體或精神)被迫從傢鄉齣逃的人,他們或者之前就是作傢,或者之後成瞭作傢——這本以羅斯為提問或主述者的談話錄,都發生在他們寫齣其(部分)主要作品之後。且每篇基本都談到瞭各自的“齣逃”經曆和寫作之間的關係。 他們大都是大屠殺或政治恐怖的親曆者,...
圖書標籤: 待藉 寫作 Philip_Roth
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