喬治 R.R.馬丁是當今世界最著名的幻想小說大師,曾多次獲得星雲奬、雨果奬和世界奇幻小說奬。他的《冰與火之歌》乃是當前世界排名第一的奇幻小說,現已授權由我社齣版,單冊印量超過20000。
麗莎•圖托 齣生於紐約,70年代初開始發錶小說,1974年便勇奪約翰.坎伯最佳新人奬。與喬治.馬丁結為莫逆,多次聯手創作,並以《風港》獲雨果奬、星雲奬以及軌跡年度最佳小說提名。1981年以短篇小說《骨笛》拿下星雲奬。之後陸續入圍阿瑟•剋拉剋奬、英倫科幻奬和提普奇奬等大奬。著名幻想作傢尼爾.蓋曼稱贊圖托是描寫傢族瘋狂欲望和夢想的第一人。
George R. R. Martin has thrilled a generation of readers with his epic works of the imagination, most recently the critically acclaimed New York Times bestselling saga told in the novels A Game of Thrones , A Clash of Kings , and A Storm of Swords . Lisa Tuttle has won acclaim from fans of science fiction, horror, and fantasy alike— most recently for her haunting novel The Pillow Friend . Now together they gift readers with this classic tale of a brilliantly rendered world of ironbound tradition, where a rebellious soul seeks to prove the power of a dream.
The planet of Windhaven was not originally a home to humans, but it became one following the crash of a colony starship. It is a world of small islands, harsh weather, and monster-infested seas. Communication among the scattered settlements was virtually impossible until the discovery that, thanks to light gravity and a dense atmosphere, humans were able to fly with the aid of metal wings made of bits of the cannibalized spaceship.
Many generations later, among the scattered islands that make up the water world of Windhaven, no one holds more prestige than the silver-winged flyers, who bring news, gossip, songs, and stories. They are romantic figures crossing treacherous oceans, braving shifting winds and sudden storms that could easily dash them from the sky to instant death. They are also members of an increasingly elite caste, for the wings—always in limited quantity—are growing gradually rarer as their bearers perish.
With such elitism comes arrogance and a rigid adherence to hidebound tradition. And for the flyers, allowing just anyone to join their cadre is an idea that borders on heresy. Wings are meant only for the offspring of flyers—now the new nobility of Windhaven. Except that sometimes life is not quite so neat.
Maris of Amberly, a fisherman's daughter, was raised by a flyer and wants nothing more than to soar on the currents high above Windhaven. By tradition, however, the wings must go to her stepbrother, Coll, the flyer's legitimate son. But Coll wants only to be a singer, traveling the world by sea. So Maris challenges tradition, demanding that flyers be chosen on the basis of merit rather than inheritance. And when she wins that bitter battle, she discovers that her troubles are only beginning.
For not all flyers are willing to accept the world's new structure, and as Maris battles to teach those who yearn to fly, she finds herself likewise fighting to preserve the integrity of a society she so longed to join—not to mention the very fabric that holds her culture together.
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在動車上讀完瞭此書,真是奇妙的世界。唐朝樂隊唱道:“每個人都曾渴望成為飛行的鳥”,幾乎可以作為本書的腰封推薦語瞭。 將書打開 如星際旅行者流傳下來的飛翼 在風暴中 飛越海妖潛伏的大海 最後的飛行 或早或遲 天空留不下飛行者的足印 隻有風 不止地飄蕩
評分 評分認識喬治RR馬丁,自是通過他的奇幻大作《冰與火之歌》瞭,因此看到這本其早期作品《風港》的中譯,也欣然收瞭。不過不同於冰與火的奇幻,風港是一部科幻作品。當然,在歐美,科幻奇幻不分傢的傳統早已有之。曾有評論傢調侃兩者的區彆隻在“一個描寫會飛的龍,一個則描寫會飛的...
評分在動車上讀完瞭此書,真是奇妙的世界。唐朝樂隊唱道:“每個人都曾渴望成為飛行的鳥”,幾乎可以作為本書的腰封推薦語瞭。 將書打開 如星際旅行者流傳下來的飛翼 在風暴中 飛越海妖潛伏的大海 最後的飛行 或早或遲 天空留不下飛行者的足印 隻有風 不止地飄蕩
圖書標籤: 喬治·馬丁 科幻 George.R.R.Martin 小說 奇幻 Sci-Fi
評分馬丁30年前的作品。結構清晰。傳統現實理想衝突不斷。文字也比較易懂。另外這本mass market edition的字體比一般的要大,看的眼睛舒服。
評分馬丁30年前的作品。結構清晰。傳統現實理想衝突不斷。文字也比較易懂。另外這本mass market edition的字體比一般的要大,看的眼睛舒服。
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