提姆·鮑爾斯 Tim Powers:
1984年以《阿努比斯之門》榮獲狄剋奬,1986年以《魔宮晚餐》(Dinner at Deviant’s Palace)再獲狄剋奬。1993年獲得世界奇幻奬的《牌局的盡頭》(Last Call),19 96年獲得星雲奬的《保存期限》(Expiration Date),以及1998年再獲星雲奬的《地震天氣》(Earthquake Weather)三本書以現在加州為背景,重新搬演亞瑟王神話並賦予新意。 至於2001年為他贏得國際恐怖協會奬(International Horror Guild Awards)以及世界奇幻奬兩個大奬的新作《宣言行動》(Declare)看似間諜小說,實則探索諾亞方舟、阿拉伯的勞倫斯之死,以及美蘇冷戰的真相。
When Albert Einstein told Franklin Roosevelt in 1939 that the atomic bomb was possible, he did not tell the president about another discovery he had made, something so extreme and horrific it remained a secret . . . until now. This extraordinary new novel from one of the most brilliant talents in contemporary fiction is a standout literary thriller in which one man stumbles upon the discovery Einstein himself tried to keep hidden. </p>
When twelve-year-old Daphne Marrity takes a videotape labeled Pee-wee's Big Adventure from her grandmother's house, neither she nor her college-professor father, Frank Marrity, has any idea that the theft has drawn the attention of both the Israeli Secret Service and an ancient European cabal of occultists-or that within hours they'll be visited by her long-lost grandfather, who is also desperate to get that tape. </p>
And when Daphne's teddy bear is stolen, a blind assassin nearly kills Frank, and a phantom begins to speak to her from a switched-off television set, Daphne and her father find themselves caught in the middle of a murderous power struggle that originated long ago in Israel and Germany but now crashes through Los Angeles and out to the Mojave Desert. To survive, they must quickly learn the rules of a dangerous magical chess game and use all their cleverness and courage-as well as their love and loyalty to each other-to escape a fate more profound than death. </p>
A pulse-pounding epic adventure that blurs the lines between espionage and the supernatural; good and evil; past, present and future, Three Days to Never is an exhilarating masterwork of speculative suspense from the always remarkable imagination of the incomparable Tim Powers. </p>
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圖書標籤: 英語 科幻 fantasy
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