Michael Walzer (3 March 1935) is one of America's leading political philosophers. He is a professor emeritus at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey and editor of Dissent, a left-wing quarterly of politics and culture. He has written on a wide range of topics, including just and unjust wars, nationalism, ethnicity, economic justice, social criticism, radicalism, tolerance, and political obligation. He is also a contributing editor to The New Republic and a member of the editorial board of Philosophy & Public Affairs. To date he has written 27 books and has published over 300 articles, essays, and book reviews. He is a member of several philosophical organizations including the American Philosophical Society.
Michael is the older brother of historian Judith Walzer Leavitt.
Walzer is usually identified as one of the leading proponents of the "Communitarian" position in political theory, along with Alasdair MacIntyre and Michael Sandel. Like Sandel and MacIntyre, Walzer is not completely comfortable with this label. He has, however, long argued that political theory must be grounded in the traditions and culture of particular societies and opposed what he sees to be the excessive abstraction of political philosophy. His most important intellectual contributions include a revitalization of just war theory that insists on the importance of ethics in wartime while eschewing pacifism; the theory of "complex equality," which holds that the metric of just equality is not some single material or moral good, but rather that egalitarian justice demands that each good be distributed according to its social meaning, and that no good (like money or political power) be allowed to dominate or distort the distribution of goods in other spheres; and an argument that justice is primarily a moral standard within particular nations and societies, not one that can be developed in a universalized abstraction.
In April 2008, Walzer received the prestigious Spinoza Lens, a bi-annual prize for ethics in The Netherlands.
Spheres Of Justice 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
翻译或许有点问题,拗口 写得真是不错啊。。。 很明白世事的作者,表述得也很清楚
评分自罗尔斯《正义论》一书出世后,正义成为政治哲学与伦理学的讨论的热点。其中沃尔泽的多元主义影响颇大,与罗尔斯和诺奇克分庭相抗。这本《正义诸理论——为多元主义与平等一辩》是他的代表作。 沃尔泽在本书中构建了与简单平等相对立的复合平等理论,复合平等理论是一个精...
评分《正义诸领域:为多元主义和平等一辩》 必需英文本对参。 这本书与Nozick的《无政府、国家和乌托邦》一样,源自Walzer和Nozick两人与1970-1971年在哈佛开的一门“资本主义与社会主义”的辩论课程。 这本书的一个特点是弥漫着历史感和睿智的洞见,对寻求一...
评分翻译或许有点问题,拗口 写得真是不错啊。。。 很明白世事的作者,表述得也很清楚
评分自罗尔斯《正义论》一书出世后,正义成为政治哲学与伦理学的讨论的热点。其中沃尔泽的多元主义影响颇大,与罗尔斯和诺奇克分庭相抗。这本《正义诸理论——为多元主义与平等一辩》是他的代表作。 沃尔泽在本书中构建了与简单平等相对立的复合平等理论,复合平等理论是一个精...
图书标签: 政治哲学 Walzer 法律思想史 沃尔泽 政治 当代政治哲学 textbook Michael
Spheres of Justice, with the subtitle "In defence of pluralism and equality", is the title of a book written by Michael Walzer.
In it, Walzer argues in favour of an idea he calls "complex equality", and against the view that goods with different meaning and content can be lumped together into the larger category of primary goods, as is advocated by John Rawls, in his A Theory of Justice from 1971. The book might be considered an attempt, from a liberal starting point, to bridge some of the disagreements between liberals and communitarians in political philosophy.
评分simple equality vs complex equality; dominance vs monopoly
评分Benhabib把Walzer归类为社群主义者,并指出他和Taylor等人有的一个问题:在强调社会整体价值重塑的integrationism和强调平等政治参与的participatory ethics之间立场不明晰。因此,在读Walzer的时候,要辩证看待他的观点,批判integrationist的部分(即"shared understandings" of social goods),借鉴participationism的部分(即simple vs. complex equality那里)。(虽然我觉得Benhabib有把Habermas视作进步主义代表从而promote a linear progressive narrative的嫌疑)
评分simple equality vs complex equality; dominance vs monopoly
Spheres Of Justice 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书