D.M.托马斯(1935- ),英国著名小说家、诗人、翻译家,迄今共著有九部长篇小说。《白色旅馆》是其代表作,出版当年即获布克奖提名,作者也因此蜚声国际文坛,成为英国一位重量级作家。
The White Hotel 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
唐璜 这些分行的句子,是如此直接 如此不堪入目。但耳热脸红之际 却也不能否认秘密点燃的力量 没有止境的欢愉,死亡,迷宫,黑暗中的膨胀 以及焕然一新。这里闪烁着各种迷醉 而神秘的鸟。它们掠过群峰,飞到湖上 谁能抗拒一个女人无尽变幻的形式 一面镜子隐秘的欲望 谁又能...
评分如果能跳过所有的黄色的话,我是很愿意再多看几遍的,可是如果跳过去了,剩下的你就无从判断了。 我几乎是耐着性子看完的。 人因为想表达自己的想法,所以开始写日记,又因为潜意识中总觉得有人会看到,而不愿意真实的写下来。人,总是有这种矛盾。有倾诉的愿望,又始终不愿意...
评分Almost every novel can be read as a distorted Oedipus. Similarly, Lisa Erdmann in The White Hotel also experienced “Eros in combat with Thanatos”, resisted being identified as a Jew, and eventually she did not (choose) to escape her fate and died in the ...
评分唐璜 这些分行的句子,是如此直接 如此不堪入目。但耳热脸红之际 却也不能否认秘密点燃的力量 没有止境的欢愉,死亡,迷宫,黑暗中的膨胀 以及焕然一新。这里闪烁着各种迷醉 而神秘的鸟。它们掠过群峰,飞到湖上 谁能抗拒一个女人无尽变幻的形式 一面镜子隐秘的欲望 谁又能...
评分Almost every novel can be read as a distorted Oedipus. Similarly, Lisa Erdmann in The White Hotel also experienced “Eros in combat with Thanatos”, resisted being identified as a Jew, and eventually she did not (choose) to escape her fate and died in the ...
图书标签: Postmodernism Freud psychoanalysis Thomas,D.M. -英国 英文 Thomas History
By turns a dream of electrifying eroticism recounted by a young woman to her analyst, Sigmund Freud, and a horrifying yet calmly unsensational narrative of the Holocaust, this PEN Silver Pen winner is now recognized as a modern classic that reconciles the nightmarish with the transcendent.
The White Hotel 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书