In a captivating tale that returns readers to the enchanting island nation of Akora, a remarkable young man and woman, torn between love for each other and duty to their homelands, discover that fate has not forgotten them.
Fountain of Secrets
Honorable, loyal, and deeply devoted to his family, Gavin, the eldest son of the earl of Hawkforte, is also a young man with a troubling secret. Disillusioned by the colonialist course his country is pursuing, Gavin has no wish to succeed his father.
Rather, his heart is drawn toward the other half of his heritage--the wondrous kingdom of Akora and the life he senses awaits him there. His future will in fact be more astonishing than even he can imagine, but before it can begin, he must resolve his conflict--and his feelings for the woman he loves.
Strikingly beautiful, intelligent, and dedicated to her homeland, Elena knows her fate is to be the wife and helpmate of the next ruler of Akora. Tragically, it is a destiny she believes must keep her apart from Gavin, the English nobleman who commands her heart. But together the couple will soon discover that the future cannot always be predicted--especially one that holds more hidden surprises, dangers, and rich rewards than either of them could have dreamed.
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