Lance Dane is a writer, photographer, renowned scholar, and the founder of the Sanskriti Museum of Every Day Art in Delhi. He has dedicated over five decades to researching and archiving all aspects of the Kama Sutra and other pre-Vedic and Vedic classical erotica. His private collections of over 9,000 books on Indian art and architecture and his 300,000 archival photographs are housed in the Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts in New Delhi. He lives in India.
Completely illustrated for the first time, the Hindu love classic the Kama Sutra continues the most famous work on sex ever created. Written almost 2,000 years ago, the Kama Sutra deals with all aspects of sexual life, including the principles and techniques of sexual pleasure and how to best achieve ecstatic union.
In this complete and illustrated guide Lance Dane accompanies the Kama Sutra text with 250 illustrations and great works of art from coins, palm leaf manuscripts, sculptures, ancient toys, jewelry, architecture, ivory combs, birch bark, cloth, paintings, frescoes, and scrolls. Gathered from museums and private collections around the world—as well the author's own collection of over 300,000 photographs—these rare images clearly illustrate all 64 sexual positions and the erotic instructions set forth in the Kama Sutra. The result is a dazzling and sensuous reading experience through which the teachings of the Kama Sutra spring to life.
LANCE DANE is a writer, photographer, renowned scholar, and the founder of the Sanskriti Museum of Everyday Art in Delhi. He has dedicated over five decades to researching and archiving all aspects of the Kama Sutra and other pre-Vedic and Vedic classical erotica. His private collections of over 9,000 books on Indian art and architecture and his 300,000 archival photographs are housed in the Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts in New Delhi. He lives in India.
The Complete Illustrated Kama Sutra 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
評分這是一本怪異的書:內容與傳說中的Kama Sutra相差很遠,章節之間顯得支離破碎,但譯文文筆和注解特彆認真,劉達臨和洪晃的序根本就像是偷來硬安上的,封麵英文也像把illustrated錯寫為illunimated。 不過,耐著性子看完,倒還有些收獲,夫妻相處、戀愛過程等等...
評分想起電視劇<名門望族>的主題麯. 無意間在女子圖書館的架子上找到這本書.年代之久遠,很多內容大概一晃而過. 有一段的收獲:關於丈夫如何處理與多個情人的關係,女子怎麼麵對多妻製的傢庭. 和<名門望族>裏處理的一樣,所以男主角令每個妻子對他又愛又恨.也由此衍生齣關於如何處理傢...
評分一套三冊,還差一本《波斯愛經》就湊齊瞭世界四大愛經瞭。書中配以大量極富印度風情的細密畫做插圖。雖然圖片是全彩的,但是不知道是因為圖片來源的關係還是印刷的關係,清晰度堪憂。至少這個版式設計很清爽,適宜閱讀。 也許有人認為,這本書介紹瞭多種性愛體位、隱秘的招數...
評分一套三冊,還差一本《波斯愛經》就湊齊瞭世界四大愛經瞭。書中配以大量極富印度風情的細密畫做插圖。雖然圖片是全彩的,但是不知道是因為圖片來源的關係還是印刷的關係,清晰度堪憂。至少這個版式設計很清爽,適宜閱讀。 也許有人認為,這本書介紹瞭多種性愛體位、隱秘的招數...
圖書標籤: sutra 繪本 kama 我看的是這個版本 我的英文書 情色作品
評分看到瞭Kama sutra還以為是什麼好東西,打開一看原來是本黃書
評分看到瞭Kama sutra還以為是什麼好東西,打開一看原來是本黃書
評分看到瞭Kama sutra還以為是什麼好東西,打開一看原來是本黃書
The Complete Illustrated Kama Sutra 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載