1348. The Black Death is sweeping through Europe. In Florence, plague has carried off one hundred thousand people. In their Tuscan villas, seven young women and three young men tell tales to recreate the world they have lost, weaving a rich tapestry of comedy, tragedy, ribaldry and farce. Boccaccio's Decameron recasts the storytelling heritage of the ancient and medieval worlds into perennial forms that inspired writers from Chaucer and Shakespeare down to our own day. Boccaccio makes the incredible believable, with detail so sharp we can look straight into the lives of people who lived six hundred years ago. His Decameron hovers between the fading glories of an aristocratic past - the Crusades, the Angevins, the courts of France, the legendary East - and the colourful squalor of contemporary life, where wives deceive husbands, friars and monks pursue fleshly ends, and natural instincts fight for satisfaction. Here are love and jealousy, passion and pride - and a shrewd calculation of profit and loss which heralds the rise of a dynamic merchant class. These stories show us early capitalism during a moment of crisis and revelation.
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在圖書館窩瞭一整晚,大概翻閱瞭這本書。十個人的一百個故事,隻詳細地看瞭其中三分之一的故事。 看這書,是源於今天的外國文學課,人文主義的代錶作傢的代錶作。多年前學習的曆史知識,瞬間得到瞭升華。 這本書,果然如序言中寫的那樣,不能因為它的某些現在看來是粗俗的東...
評分文藝復興的文學和藝術講究『人>,十日談大談男女之愛,偷情之愛,可見當時的社會禁欲之嚴重。 我想任何藝術作品都是渴望沖破某種枷鎖,得到某種自由。 不喜歡的是那種黑就是黑,白就是白,那種特黑白分明的思想。好中有壞,懷中有好,人之所以為人,一獸一神。
評分我們乾瞭這些事,不需要否認 漂亮的人,肥胖的人 接驢尾巴的農民,惡毒的大學生 習慣八個伴侶的公主, 僞裝天使的騙徒,打入地獄的魔鬼 我們一緻得到養料,在太陽底下 有人問太陽的意義是什麼, 為什麼我們活著,甚至能活著? 為什麼承認瞭一切還可以生活, 在死絕的弗羅倫薩,...
評分 評分這本書在上學的時候曆史書裏麵給瞭很高的評價,但是在圖書館裏就是藉不到,於是我就懷著非常好奇的心理,從網上買瞭這本書。 我看瞭之後第一感覺就是,這不就是普普通通的八卦故事麼 ,隻不過是帶上瞭當地的風土人情,當地人的價值觀,為什麼不能看呢?我想樓下那幫老太太的聊...
圖書標籤: 意大利 中世紀-文藝復興 文學 文藝復興 外國文學 R時代 Classics 小說
G. Boccaccio, 1348, city of Florence, the plague, 100 tales told in 10 days by 7 ladies and 3 young men
評分La mía vita è belle.
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