What do a suburban mom and her troubled daughter, two recently divorced brothers, a pair of former child stars, born-again Christian newlyweds, and a couple of young millionaires have in common? They have all been selected to compete on Lost and Found, a daring new reality TV show. In teams of two, they will race across the globe--from Egypt to Japan, from Sweden to England--to battle for a million-dollar prize. They must decipher encrypted clues, recover mysterious artifacts, and outwit their opponents to stay in play. What starts as a lark turns deadly serious as the number of players is whittled down, temptations beckon, and the bonds between partners strain and unravel. Before long the question is not only who will capture the final prize, but at what cost.
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評分一直有個壞毛病,容易被書的名字所吸引,然後一廂情願的認為這會是部什麼樣什麼樣的小說。 不知在什麼地方看過這個書名,就記載瞭手機裏,每次去圖書館的時候,都會搜索一下能不能藉到這本書,還真皇天不負苦心人啊,到底讀到瞭。 我還有個壞毛病,就是越心心念念想得到的...
評分一直有個壞毛病,容易被書的名字所吸引,然後一廂情願的認為這會是部什麼樣什麼樣的小說。 不知在什麼地方看過這個書名,就記載瞭手機裏,每次去圖書館的時候,都會搜索一下能不能藉到這本書,還真皇天不負苦心人啊,到底讀到瞭。 我還有個壞毛病,就是越心心念念想得到的...
評分從《巴比塔之犬》就迷上這位作者平直而又怪誕的文字,立即又入手瞭這本《伊甸園的鸚鵡》。其實本書原名《Lost and Found》,與鸚鵡關係不多,與伊甸園更無關係,也許就是國內炒作的慣用手法,藉《巴》的熱度。 不過還好內容沒水,隻是故事性不如《巴》的強,大量的人物內心敘述...
評分去年的時候看瞭《巴彆塔之犬》,幾乎是一口氣讀完的。 剛開始看的時候以為是科幻,因為介紹說男主要讓羅莉說話,當時我幾乎要相信到最後蘿莉真的會開口說話。 沒想到,隨著情節的深入,展現在我麵前的是,一個男子對他的妻子的無限的懷念和內疚,以及他一直沒有讀懂的妻子。 ...
圖書標籤: 小說 英文原版 英文 美國 外國文學 美國文學 文學 English
find the happiness out
評分every experience can change you somewhat, but back to the reality, you are lost and are never gonna be found.
評分every experience can change you somewhat, but back to the reality, you are lost and are never gonna be found.
評分every experience can change you somewhat, but back to the reality, you are lost and are never gonna be found.
評分every experience can change you somewhat, but back to the reality, you are lost and are never gonna be found.
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