大卫·F·史文森(David F.Swensen)早年师从诺贝尔经济学奖得主托宾,曾在华尔街崭露头角,后应恩师之邀于1985年出任耶鲁大学首席投资官,并在耶鲁大学商学院教书育人,至今24年。史文森培养出的人才不仅在耶鲁创造了佳绩,也向哈佛大学捐赠基金、麻省理工大学捐赠基金、普林斯顿大学捐赠基金、洛克菲勒基金会、希尔顿基金会、卡耐基基金会等重要投资机构输出了领导力量。
Pioneering Portfolio Management 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
按照本书内容,对于机构或者个人,投资根本上并没有什么差异,就是资产的组合和组合的再平衡,虽然本书讲的是机构投资者的方法。 本书有一个出发点是,历史数据表明,主动投资难以获得相同风险下的超额收益,被动投资可以简单做到享受历史数据证明的市场收益,尤其是股票这个品...
评分1.耶鲁模式构建了一套完整的机构投资流程和不受市场情绪左右的严谨的投资原则,包括投资目的的设定、资金的进出、资产负债的配比、资产类别的划分及配置、投资品种和投资工具的选择、风险控制、基金经理的选择等。 2.追求风险调整后的长期、可持续的投资回报,投资收益由资产配...
评分按照本书内容,对于机构或者个人,投资根本上并没有什么差异,就是资产的组合和组合的再平衡,虽然本书讲的是机构投资者的方法。 本书有一个出发点是,历史数据表明,主动投资难以获得相同风险下的超额收益,被动投资可以简单做到享受历史数据证明的市场收益,尤其是股票这个品...
评分对于大卫史文森来讲,投资组合管理工具有三种,而资产配置是其中唯一有用的。 1.资产配置 股权偏好和分散化投资 美国股票/美国债券/发达市场股票/新兴市场股票/绝对收益/私人股权/实物资产/现金 2. 择时选择 根据资产配置的预定组合,实时再平衡操作,卖出溢价资产,买入低价资...
评分图书标签: David.Swensen 金融 投资 资产配置 经济 组合管理 商业 机构投资者
During his fourteen years as Yale's chief investment officer, David F. Swensen has transformed the management of the university's portfolio. Largely by focusing on nonconventional strategies, including a heavy allocation to private equity, Swensen has achieved an annualized return of 16.2 percent, which has propelled Yale's endowment into the top tier of institutional funds. Now, this acknowledged leader of fund managers draws on his experience and deep knowledge of the financial markets to provide a compendium of powerful investment strategies. Swensen presents an overview of the investment world populated by institutional fund managers, pension fund fiduciaries, investment managers, and trustees of universities, museums, hospitals, and foundations. He offers penetrating insights from his experience managing Yale's endowment, ranging from broad issues of goals and investment philosophy to the strategic and tactical aspects of portfolio management. Swensen's exceptionally readable book addresses critical concepts such as handling risk, selecting investment advisers, and negotiating the opportunities and pitfalls in individual asset classes. Fundamental investment ideas are illustrated by real-world concrete examples, and each chapter contains strategies that any manager can put into action. At a time when it is becoming increasingly difficult to cope with the relentless challenges provided by today's financial markets, Swensen's book is an indispensable roadmap for creating a successful investment program for every institutional fund manager. Any student of markets will benefit from Pioneering Portfolio Management.
Pioneering Portfolio Management 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书