Set in the future when Earth has colonized the moon, Mars, and its orbitals, this science fiction adventure follows the adventures of security officer Mace Preston, who learns that his wife, Helen, has been killed in a construction accident on Mars. Suspicious of the circumstances surrounding her death, Mace embarks on a journey to uncover the truth; what he discovers instead is a zealous web of interplanetary terrorists and that he is falling in love with Nemily, a Cerebro-Augmented person sponsored by Helen for emigration to the colony Aea. With Nemily's ability to plug directly into computer systems, she may hold the clue to Helen's death, as well as a string of unexplained accidents across the galaxy—if only she knew how to access and process the information. Mace tries to help her, but time is running out for both of them as they grow closer to solving the truth about Helen's "accident."
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